Old friends

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Nina's pov:
I woke up to the sunlight pouring into my room. I sat up in my bed, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. 'I'm seeing Amber and Kt today!' I thought excitedly. As I got out of bed the breeze coming from the open window hit my legs, making me shiver slightly. I trudged over to my wardrobe, still feeling a little sleepy.

I searched through my wardrobe to find something to wear. Eventually, I decided on jeans and t-shirt with a rock band on the front. Patricia introduced me to them my second year at Anubis house and they were surprisingly good.

I hurried down the stairs, greeted by the sight of my gran making breakfast.
"You didn't have to do all this gran, I could have made it," I said, worried.
My gran's health hasn't been the best after last year so I try and help around the house as often as I can.
"I'm fine Nina, don't fret," my gran replied, trying to calm my fears.
"Sorry I just worry about you," I said, grabbing the hot plate out of her hand. I sat down at the table and started eating my breakfast.

Gran had made me egg and avocado on toast, which was one of my favourites. While eating we talked about what we were going to do today and I told her I was seeing amber and KT. She said that she was glad I was seeing my friends and getting out of the house for a change. I didn't have very many friends so for the last few days, instead of enjoying the start of summer, I had just been staying in and reading.

After about half an hour of talking, I got up from the dining table. Me and gran had both finished so I grabbed our empty plates and put them in the sink, making a mental note to wash them later. Then I went upstairs to finish getting ready.

I had arranged to meet Amber and KT at 1 0'clock. It was currently half twelve and I was still doing my hair. I needed to leave in five minutes so I knew I was going to be late.


I arrived at the small cafe at exactly five minutes past one. 'At least I'm only a few minutes late' I reasoned in my head. I pushed open the heavy door and stepped into the cool building. I scanned the room and spotted Amber and KT talking in the corner of the cafe, next to the windows and away from other people.

Suddenly, it felt as if there was a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. This was my first time meeting KT and I was quite nervous about it. A hundred different questions and scenarios filled my head. What if she doesn't like me? What if she finds me weird? What if I say or do something wrong? I shook my head, trying to get rid of my doubts. I took a deep breath and walked over to their small table.

"Hey," I said as I arrived at their table.
"Omg, Nina! It great to see you again," amber squealed, getting up from the table to engulf me in a big hug.
"It's great to see you too ambs," I replied, returning her embrace. I turned to face KT.
"Hi, it is so nice to finally meet you!" I greeted, sticking my hand out for her to shake. I didn't want to give her a hug yet because I didn't know if she would want me to.
"Hi, it nice to meet you too. I've heard so much about you," KT replied, shaking my hand.

After the introductions, we all settled down in our seats around the sticky table. As KT and amber had already gotten themselves a drink, I headed to the counter to order. The cafe was not very full so there wasn't much of a queue. I ordered a cappuccino and waited until it was ready.

When it was done, I grabbed the steaming cup of coffee off of the counter and headed back to my table. For the next two hours we talked about anything and everything. I told them how gran was doing and how much I hated high school. They told me all about their last year at Anubis and I was shocked to hear that Eddie was no longer the osirian. That meant I could see him again!

They also told me that there was an Anubis house reunion on the first of august, a week from now. I was surprised as I didn't get invited to it. However, I couldn't really blame them, I did kinda ghost them for a year. I thought that it would be better if I didn't contact them, that it might of hurt less. It hurt a lot though and I realised that doing that was an incredible dumb idea.

"I thought you were invited," said amber, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"No, I haven't really spoken to anyone in Anubis but you, since I left," I replied.
"But you have to come," said amber," I need KT and you to be there."
"I want to come, but I didn't get invited," I stated.
"Who cares," intervened KT, " Alfie arranged this so amber can speak to him, get him to invite you."
"Thats a great idea KT! I'll message him now," exclaimed amber.
"Are you sure?" I asked uneasily, I didn't know if people would actually want me there.
"Of course we're sure!" Said KT
"Okay, that sounds great!" I said, my excitement growing.

In a week I would see all my friends again.
In a week I would be back at Anubis house, the place I had called home for two years.
In a week I would see him.

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