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Cho Sam was sitting on the ground. It looks like he's been waiting for someone. Mama will come back Mama never lies Cho Sam thought, but it is getting colder and colder as time passes by and it is getting darker soon. It will start to snow soon too. But he has to wait, he can't leave Mama. He promised to Mama that he listens to Mama. He waited, waited and waited until it started to snow. It got colder and colder. He was freezing. It has been Two days and she still hasn't come back. He remembers what she said.
Remember to listen to Mama ok Said the 8 feet tall woman with black beautiful hair it seems to be covering half of her face but her mouth showed and you couldn't see her eyes some would think the woman couldn't see but it looks like she could see perfectly she was wearing a white dress and a hat that seen put a large Shadow over her and she have very pale skin.
She seem to have a smile that went up to her cheeks but for some the boy didn't look afraid he looks to be a three year old child but the woman looks at the child and her twisted mouth begins to move said I want you to stay here and don't move until mama comes back ok little blossom. Ok mama I won't I promise said the child. The woman begins to smile bigger And I promise I'll come back too said the woman. Then she patted the child's head gently, then left.
*Flashback ends*
But Mama wasn't back and what's worse she pinky promise thought the boy his eyes begin to water as tears run down his face and he was hungry too but Mama wouldn't just abandonment me she said she loved me mama would never lie thought the boy then he's head went up he saw something he got up and walked into the woods he looked into the bush and saw a cute bunny but it dash deep into the forest and he began to shout at the bunny saying wait I won't hurt you but the bunny kept running. But when he got lost he was in the woods all alone. Mama always said that he should have an adult with him when he goes to the woods and he broke one of Mama's rules. He began to shout MAMA MAMA very loud but he was scared he didn't have Mama with him. Mama was always there to protect him but now she wasn't here. He began to walk looking for a way out he began to remember Mama was always there to protect him when someone try to him Mama always scared them away she always said they was scared of her because her black pitch-eye but I don't think that when there's someone there she always said three words in a deep mascular voice
"PO PO PO" like a ritual he doesn't know way she said it maybe it keeps bad people away the boy begin to get sleepy he saw a cave so he walked in it was a little bit warmer it made him a little more sleepy he sits down on the Cold ground and want to sleep and he last thought were maybe Mama will come back.

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