Uncle's blessing

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"Wangji, what brings you here today?"

"Uncle, I wish to talk to you."

"Of course, Wangji, please come in. Would you like some tea?"


"So, what would you like to talk to me about? Your studies? Training? Or do you have any specific questions about the Gusu Lan clan's history? Or do you have any specific worries? You know you can talk to me about anything that troubles you."



"Uncle, I believe I have found the one I want to devote myself to in my life. I wish to ask for your blessing for our union."

"Really, Wangji? How unexpected. Are you sure they are the one and only one? Lans only fall in love once, I hope you have thought this through."

"Yes, Uncle."



"And how are they? I hope you have considered all aspects."



"Please tell me in detail."

"They are kind and considerate."

"Good, very good."

"They are caring and faithful."


"They are strong and devoted to their family and friends too."

"That is to be expected. I would not approve otherwise."

"They have a good heart."

"Hm, good. That is necessary. You know how your father suffered because your mother was not the best choice. But from what you tell me, you have better eye."


"Are they good with children too? The Gusu Lan clan needs to get successors."

"Mn, they are."

"Good, good..."

"Are they righteous and ready to follow all the rules? It goes without saying that they would have to move here and adapt to the life in the Cloud Recesses."



"But tell me, when have you met? I have never seen you courting anyone. I hope it is not impulsive on your side."



"We have known each other for over two years now."

"Two years... Wangji, you were still a student back then! Do not tell me..."

"Uncle, will you give us your blessing?"

"Wangji, I have not even met them yet. You are rushing into this too suddenly. I hope you have at least gone through a proper courting period and met their parents? Are they fine with this? Do not tell me that the nephew I have so painstakingly brought up is a brute and have not followed proper etiquette!?"

"They are an orphan."

"An orphan, I see... Live sure can be harsh..."


"Which sect are they from? We need to at least make proper arrangements when proposing. It would not do to present ourselves poorly even if there are no parents to bless your union."

"Yunmeng Jiang."

"Yunmeng Jiang? I do not believe there are any distinguished young ladies left in that sect? It has been wiped out from the cultivation world when the Wens first attacked. All that is left is Jiang Wanyin and a few cultivators he recruited here and there on battlefields."


"Do not tell me... Wangji, Jiang Yanli is already engaged with Jin Zixuan, you cannot mean...!"

"It is not Lady Jiang, Uncle."

"Then who?"

"Her brother."



"Wangji, I forbid this! Wei Wuxian will never step foot into the Cloud Recesses again!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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