56 Change of Plan

Start from the beginning

"That's a good idea"

"Don't underestimate Arnav... he is a dangerous man"

"Not more than me"

Simran nodded yes.

"After reaching Delhi, I will call my father and ask him to come to your place"

"Okay, let's go"

Ajay Singh walked out. Taking the phone from under her thigh, Simran hid it inside her dress and followed him.

Ajay Singh threw orders on his men. Within half an hour everything was ready. Simran saw a bus. Ajay Singh's men got onto the bus wearing burqas that made Simran Amaze. Ajay Singh gave her a burqa.

"Wear it... no one would suspect us"

Simran nodded okay and wore it. The bus started towards Delhi with Ajay Singh and his men.

In the meanwhile,


Khushi came out of the washroom, wiping her face. Arnav was checking emails on his laptop. When Khushi crossed him, He took her saree pallu and rolled its end in his hand. Khushi was pulled back and looked at him, turning behind. She saw her saree pallu in his hand.

"Arnavji, what is this...? Leave my saree" she pulled it.

"Khushi... you just stay away from this issue," Arnav said seriously.

Khushi flinched, what was he talking about?

"This is a matter between me and my enemy," Said Arnav.

"Enemy? Whom you are talking about?" Khushi asked frowning.

Arnav pulled her saree and she ran to him automatically.

"This bloody saree is my enemy..."

Khushi looked at her saree with confusion.

He dragged her to him, circling her waist, and made her sit next to him.

"It always resides between me and my wife" he whispered in her ear making her blush.

"Is it necessary to wear a saree inside our room too?"

Khushi dropped her jaw.

"Arnavji, what happened to you? Why are you blabbering like a..."

Cutting her,

"Crazy guy?"

She nodded yes pouting.

"What to do? A wicked girl made me crazy"

"Am I a wicked girl?"

"Then what? Making me crazy, you are reacting like you did nothing"

"What do you want me to do?"

"A lip lock... or, at least a love making..." he said pinching her lower lip.

Khushi chuckled.

"AT LEAST a lovemaking?"

"Mmm..." he nuzzled her cheek with his nose.

"If love-making is AT LEAST thing, then what's more than that?"

"There are many things that make love making special... I will briefly explain to you practically if you give me a chance..." he said cheesy.

Khushi nodded NO and was supposed to get up, Arnav pulled her back, and before she composed herself, he captured her lips. He drew her on his lap while deepening the kiss, making her lack for breath. He broke the kiss afterward and looked at her intensely, looking at him bewildered. He stroked her lips with his thumb.

"Why did you become wild suddenly?" she asked blinking her eyes.

"It's because of you... if you had kissed me often, I would not have behaved wild... Your reluctance is what makes me wild"

"Ohh... really?"

"Yes... so, try to be not reluctant to me. Come to bed without delay. Then, you would not get to see me wild on the bed"

"You became worse..." She pushed his cheek, pressing her lips together.

She stood up and her saree pin got removed from her shoulder as her pallu was still in Arnav's hand.

"Have not you left it yet?" Khushi asked, holding it on her shoulder.

Arnav nodded NO.

"Leave it, Arnavji"

"Don't support my enemy. Then the consequence will be worse"

Clutching his jaw, she pressed her lips on his cheek strongly. While doing that, she snatched the saree edge from his hand and ran out giggling. Arnav chased her. he lifted her from behind, circling her waist. Khushi leaned back on his chest.

That was when they heard a calling bell sound. They looked at each other. Arnav rolled his eyes whereas Khushi chuckled.

"Arnavji put me down"

"No way..." he walked back to their room, lifting her.

Arvind opened the door and got stuck, seeing Rajeev. Arvind frowned. He could not get why Rajeev was there because Shyam was also not in RM then why did he come?"

"I want to meet Arnav," Rajeev said, without any formal greeting.

"He is in his room. Tell me what's the matter"

"Arvind, it's urgent... I should immediately meet Arnav"

"Tell me the matter first"

"Simran was kidnapped by Ajay Singh"

"Whaaaat? Kidnaped? The police say she is his partner"

"It's not true... please, call Arnav. only he could help me"

"No way... why should Chotte help you? It will never happen. Why are you unnecessarily dragging Chotte in this matter?"

"Because only Arnav has the ability to tackle Ajay Singh"

"Why don't you go to the police?"

"They will kill Simran if I go to the police"

"They will kill Chotte if he helps you"

"Let me talk to Arnav... let him decide whether he would like to help me or not"

"No... I don't like to put his life at risk"

"My daughter's life is already at risk"

"It's the outcome of being a partner of a criminal"

"She is not his partner"

"I don't care... don't create a problem in our family and leave"

Rajeev pushed Arvind and shouted,


Arnav broke the kiss jerking and got detached from Khushi.

To be continued...

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