Chapter 12.

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Karishma's P.O.V:

My phone has been blowing up since 8pm and it's 10pm now. I have been ignoring all of them because I don't want to go to the club. I had a rough day, I have been working continuously from 9am. My boss told me to finish up all the pending, and upcoming work so I can take off of work for 2 or 3 weeks for wedding. Only if he knew about the whole fake ordeal. Nonetheless I worked as he aspected me to and I am almost finish.

I park the car in the drive way, and see the lights of both the houses were out but little light was coming from inside the living room of my house. As I walked in "where the hell have you been? Why were you not answering the calls? Your receptionist said you left hours ago? Are you okay?" Haseena throw questions after questions on me. Why didn't they left already?

"Answer her dammit." Welps it's angry riya now. Before saying anything I walked toward the bottom of the stairs, so I can run towards my room before anyone of them attack me.

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at haseena "I was at the office." I said.

"But your receptionist said you left a hour ago." She said coming close to me putting her hand on my arm. Concern visible on her face.

"Umm...I..i" I hesitated and looked at riya who seems to know what I was about to say.

"I told her to say that, because I don't wanted to go to the club." As I completed my sentence both my siblings chase me all the way to my room and I slam the door on their faces. "You better come down in 5 minutes, or you will face the consequences of your actions." Riya yelled Angrily through the door. I sigh in relief that I didn't get caught.

"Promise you and anu won't touch me if I came downstairs in 5?" I asked to make sure my safety. I heard her scoff and left.

I get to the bathroom to freshen up and change in more comfortable and partially party cloths and went downstairs In time.

I walked toward haseena who was standing besides Emily, and took her hand leading her to the front door "come on guys, we are already late." And rush to the SUV so that we can go all together.

Haseena took the passenger seat and I took my place at the driver's seat.

"You know I was worried about you, don't do that again." Haseena scolded me as everyone started to get in the car.

"I won't." I said pinching her chubby cheeks while she spat my hand with an annoyed face.


It has been a hour since we get to the club and now I feel tipsy. I looked around to found certain someone and saw how close she was dancing with Emily. What is wrong with that girl she is so touchy with haseena. I can't see it anymore so I got up and walked toward the dance floor through those sweaty and disgusting bodies and as if on cue Emily went for the refill and left haseena alone. I went behind haseena and start moving my body in sync with hers. I put my hands on her waist to keep her close, her body tensed but the relaxed as she looked in my eyes, she turn around facing me with a smile and lock her arms around my neck while my staying on her waist.

The music turn slow so as our movements. We were so close she was practically hugged me, our faces were so close that I can feel her breath on my face. She looked deeply in my eyes and I did the same while swaying our bodies simultaneously. Her eyes then diverted to my lips and then again to my eyes and again to my lips while she lean in more. I closed my eyes waiting for her lips to touch mine but instantly felt cold, the warmth I was feeling from her body was gone, I opened my eyes to see her swaying hips while she walk towards the bar where Emily was standing. She grabbed Emily's neck and turn her in her seat and kissed her on the lips.

I stand there, on the dance floor getting pushed by the other dancing bodies and felt my whole body stiffin when Emily started kissing her back putting her hand on her waist and sliding them down to her butt, pulling her closer.

I can't stand to see it more so I rushed out.

"Wait where are you going?" I didn't realise that santosh and cheetah was following me, I guess they say what I saw. I pace back and forth angry and confused.

"Did you guys see what they did there?" I asked looked at them furiously. They didn't meet my eyes neither did they answer my question.

"Hello! I am talking to you both, what the hell happened there?" I asked shaking santosh for an answer.

"It's not, what it's look like." She said, her voice shaking.

"What do you mean? How long is this been going on?" I asked now looking at cheetah for an answer, he just shook her head 'no'.

"Did both of you knew about them?"

They both nodded. I feel betrayed by my own friends by the people I chose to call my family. I take out my phone and call for a cab while clenching and unclenching my fist.

I am so angry that I didn't even wait for the cab to come and took off running while the traitors I call my friends kept calling for me.

I ran and ran till my legs give out and I fell on my knees and scream. I had never felt this much betrayed in my whole entire life, and by whom? My best friend, how can she even do that to me? I gave away everything for her, being married means everything to me, I wanted to give all of me to that one person. I wanted a perfect married life whether with a man or a woman. And I worked hard so that I can one day build my family.

And I give away that for her and I will do that again if she asked me to. But my only condition was to never get cheated. I just wanted her to be loyal to me even if this was a fake marriage. I thought that maybe just maybe we can make it real. But no she had some other plans.

I sat there in the middle of the road, I wanted to cry but I won't because as much as I am hurt, I am furious as to why she wanted to marry me, why not she just marry to Emily if they were together. And for how long all of this is going on.

I walked until I found a bench and sat on it. And thought of all the things: how my best friends betrayed me, how they lied to me, how much more they are hiding, what else they know that I don't. Should I still marry her or not, how come haseena never tell me she was into girls, and why she never told me that.


I woke up to the sun rising above my head and the birds chirping, cold morning wind blew smoothly over my face, I smiled enjoying the early morning sun and wind. Then my mind went back to the last night event and now I am sad, angry, upset, all together at once. I pull my phone out of my pants pocket, it's 6am on Thursday, there were many texts and calls from my siblings and traitors.

I walked around and saw a coffee shop so I went in and had some coffee and breakfast. Then pull out my phone and checked my emails. I had a email from my boss saying I am needed in Germany because unfortunately the auditor of that branch had passed away. So I had to go there for a few days, until they get the new auditor in place. I sigh and walked back to my home. Not really wanting to see her face yet, I need to calm my self because I don't want to yell at her in the heat of a moment.

I snuck into the house noticing everyone might be asleep because they had a lot of 'fun' last night. And made my way to my room finding it empty, I felt disappointed that she didn't sleep in my room maybe she slept with Emily.

Of course she must have slept in her room, there is no reason not to, right? Because clearly they were enjoying eachothers company last night.

I took my cloths off and head to the bathroom to take a shower, and pack my bags to leave tomorrow. Well it's good I had to go away from all this drama. I lay in bed after packing all my stuff and receiving my ticket through mail. And then dozed off.


To be continued.....
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