Chapter 11.

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Haseena's P.O.V:

It's almost dinner time, I had cooked all the food with the help of my mother and Karishma's mother.

My mother is a bit off, maybe she didn't get enough time to wrap all the stuff around her head. I just wish she comes to the terms that we are getting married. On the other hand karishma's mother is so loving and happy for us, she said that she is glad that krish have me to take care of her.

It's almost three and a half month since I lost my job because of that shitty notice I had received at the hospital. Now I have only two months left to get married. So we are getting married in one and a half month.

Karishma has only one condition in this marriage that I shouldn't see other people. But I am afraid I might break her trust because Emily will going to come to stay till wedding. Emily and I had a history. We were in college together because we were studying the same course. So one night at a house party Emily kissed me and confess her feelings for me. So we dated on and off for a whole year, but then finally broke up because she had to move to another state because of her job. It was our secret but somehow santosh knew what was happening and she told cheetah about us. When she confronted us we made her and cheetah promise that no matter what, krish can't know about this. Never have i ever told karishma that I was interested in girls and so she doesn't know.

The front door open and in comes santosh, Emily and cheetah. Cheetah comes to me first and hugged me lifting me off of my feet. "I am so happy for you guys. Finally, I knew it!" He exclaimed giving me a kiss on my left cheek. Then santosh hugged me and then Emily. She hugged me tightly for a little longer and we pull apart  when someone cleared their throat. It was karishma. Santosh squeals and hugged her jumping up and down telling her how happy she is that we finally decided the date for the wedding. Then cheetah greeted her with a hug. "Dude how come you never told me about you and your fiancee here." Said cheetah feeling hurt. Karishma shrugged and looked at Emily. "Hello! Miss Emily, can you do me an honour and give me a hug like the rest of my lovely friends?" She said with a smirk. I push Emily towards karishma so she can give her a hug. "Well, congratulations you steal my gem." Emily said when she pull back from the hug. Krish looked at her confused and I just glare at Emily. "Excuse me?" Karishma asked still confused, santosh clear her throat. "Guys I am starving can we eat." Santosh dragged karishma toward the dining room against her will and cheetah followed them not before giving Emily a warning look.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked furious.

"What is wrong with me?" Emily scoff, "what is wrong with YOU?" She said poking my chest with her index finger.

"We broke up Emily, because you wanted to go to another state, and now I can be with whoever I want. You don't own me and I don't have to give you any damn explanation. So it's better for you to shut your mouth and enjoy this wedding." I snapped.

"But what about all the things you have said, that you loved me and that you wanted to spend your life with me?" She said with anger in her eyes.

"That's in the past and you were the one who said that we have our entire life ahead of us, you said you want to explore and enjoy your life, you were the one who break us up." I said poking her chest everytime I say 'you' . "And now you don't have any right to just brage into my life and claim me as your own." I said crying reliving the event when she just left me by myself to enjoy her life in the outside world. She came closer to me and I take a step back, stopping when my back touched the kitchen counter, she came closer, so close and cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears lifting my face to look into her eyes "I want you haseena, and you will come back to me." She whispered and kissed me on my lips her thumb caressing my jaw, I try to push her back but eventually gave in and kissed her back tasting her all so familiar sweet taste. She pulled back and rested her forehead on mine, hands still cupping my cheeks. She smirked knowing that I can't resist her and just left me standing their.

I Don't know how long I have been standing their staring into the space when someone shake me a little. "Hey are you okay?" Karishma asked like she was talking to a child. That's when I burst out crying and she hugged me out of instinct I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her tightly. And she let me cry until my sobbing turn down a notch. She pulled back and lifts my chin up wiping my tears with her thumbs softly with a loving smile, like she usually do. And didn't asked any questions. And hugged me again "everything is going to be okay. I am right here beside you. You can tell me whatever is wrong whenever you feel like. Okay?" She said combing my hair with her fingers calming me. I nodded in response.

"Uhmm-uhmm, guys you can go back to doing whatever you want after dinner." Cheetah said smirking at karishma while we pull apart and santosh come to me draping her hand on my shoulder. "Awww doesn't look like it, see your fiancee look like a tomato here." She said pinching my cheeks, I swat her hands and compose myself "help me set the table." I said to her, she pout "where are you two going?" I asked karishma and cheetah as they try to escape the kitchen. "No where." Karishma said as they both come back into the kitchen to carry the dishes to the dinner table.

After we ate dinner, our parents retired to go to bed and now we were all friends and siblings left, sitting in the living room watching a movie. I was sat beside karishma and Emily sitting beside me. She kept glancing over to us with a smirk like a creep. Karishma noticed and raised her eyebrow at her. I snuggle more into her side.

"So guys we are going to the club tomorrow." Santosh announces.

"I have work tomorrow." Karishma said watching TV.

"Oh come on krish, it's your wedding we are here for. And you just want us to sit around?" Santosh argue grabbing karishma's attention.

"It's important santosh." Karishma said in a tone that says 'no more discussion about this'. Santosh caved in and held her tongue.

"Oh shut up, if you don't show up at 9pm. Then you can kiss our invited asses goodbye." Riya threatened. I looked up at karishma's face seeing the irritating expression. Only riya can make her do things she doesn't want.

"What?" She said looking down at me, causing me to blush at getting caught while staring.

"I am sleepy." I said ignoring the fact that she can see my blush and hide my face in the crook of her neck while fake yawning.

"Let's go to bed then?" She asked. Pulling me off of her. I shake my head 'no', she released a sigh and scoop me in her arms, I can feel her arms trembling due to all my weight but still carries me upstairs into our room. I can hear whistles and giggles coming from the living room.

She laid me down on the bed, and get in beside me and I moved toward her side of the bed and snuggle into her.

"You know you don't have to cling onto me everytime, just for the show." She said sounding annoyed. Does she really thinks that I do that for just a show? Without saying any word I moved back to my side of the bed and closed my eyes. I hear karishma sigh and fumble in the bed.

Then I feel the soft warm body hugged me from behind, draping her arm over my waist. I try to push her arm back but her grip tighten and she pull me further into her warm body.

This feels so good and I wanted to sleep like this for the rest of my life. Maybe one day she would have feelings for me, like I have been developing feelings for her. I felt her breathing slow down indicating that she had fallen asleep.

I had never thought in a million years that I would going to be this close to my best friend and with these feelings inside me. I am afraid I might jeopardise this friendship and this fake wedding because of my feelings which seems to be expanding day by day.

My eyes were shutting down when I heard the door of our room creaked open. I can see a figure coming in my direction and the figure kneeled down infront of me. It was Emily, "I am here for a good night kiss." She pecked my lips and left the room and I fall asleep.


To be continued....
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