Chapter 7:

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Stella's POV:

That night we all got together. Well all except dad. I didn't know where he was or what he was  doing. Everytime I called he was always busy. I guess he really was. Too busy to call his own daughter or too busy to check in with his sons who were carrying our family on their shoulders when it should have been him.

Let's not have a pity party,  I thought to myself because today I was feeling better. Even after everything went down hill , mending things with Alex made the day better. But I still knew Al was uspet with me without even knowing the truth. That hurt like a bitch! Still I was feeling good. As good as I have never been in recent times.

I guess that's how it was with my brothers. Mending things with any of them felt like a wanderer finding his way  back home.

We all had dinner together, Alex cooked. I and Ron helped him or more like I helped while Ron created a mess in our kitchen. What made it hilarious was when Al walked in the kitchen after coming home from work , Ron somehow managed to get the boiled pasta on his head. It was dead silent. Al was fuming and Ron was holding his breath fir dear life until I giggled. I couldn't stop it , all of them turned towards me in sheer amusement. Even Al had a smile on his face while looking at me. I thought of it as progress maybe he wasn't that upset with me?

After dinner we ended up in the theatre room. As soon as we did I claimed the console but Ron the ass was quick enough to take it away from me.

" Hey!"

" Hello to you too. I'm older so I get to choose."

" I'm younger so I get to choose."

" That's not how it works."

" Who says that?"

"I do."

" Well then-...

" Stop it you too." This came from Alex.

" What? She will make us watch another  documentry with some white guys with shit music."

" That's one direction. Stop bad mouthing them."

He was going to say something when Al quietly snatched the console from his hnad and handed to me while taking his seat on the lounge. Ron glared at me while I did the same. And because of his attitude I settled with another one direction documentry.

He was going to complain again when Al said " Your antics in kitchen have already made you to the top of my shit list don't make it worse by opening your trash."
I and Alex snorted while Ron mumbled something like love you too brother.

I took a seat between Al and Ron while Alex laid on the couch in the corner behind us. The lights went off and the documentary started playing.

I wasn't happy with Al's action recently but I needed comfort after today's long events.

The definition of comfort was different for different people. For some it was food, for some it was a pet for others it might be a person. That's what my mum had thaught me. Every emotion that we feel has no fixed defination. It's just about perspective.

For me the definition of comfort was my older brother. He was the one I would go running to if something went wrong. The one I knew since childhood will keep me safe by doing whatever he can. The one I can rely on after a long day. And that's what I did. I laid my head on his shoulder hesitantly while extending my legs on Ron's lap. I thought Al would jerk me of or something. But he didn't. Of course he didn't. Although Ron, the ass did jerk my legs off so I purposely pushed them towards his face.

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