Start from the beginning

"Stupid decision! Saving lives of innocents is a stupid decision! " Siddharth yelled angry and disappointed

"Siddharth! " Avneet bursted as tears leaked her eyes

"When the hell are you gonna understand! " She yelled bursting into tears.

"This decisions of yours costs your family! " Avneet shouted

"13 years ago.. This same decision of yours costed Amaira when you had Brayden bailed out ! " Avneet lashed, tears leaking out continuously

"I freaking lost my daughter because of you ! Do you want to give Samaira and Samar now to that killer ! " Avneet yelled, but regretted immediately, she gazed Siddharth who chuckled disappointed, tears leaking his eyes

"Sid-" He interrupted

"You think so low of me.. " came his weak disappointed voice

"I didn't meant it.. Listen-" Avneet held his arm when he jerked her away stepping back

"Say truth Avu! " He ordered furious, tears leaking continuously

Avneet inhaled deeply looking in his eyes, his eyes portraying love, care and betrayal whereas her chocolaty pool filled with disappointment,

"Yes.. " Their eyes met, Siddharth exhaled shakily, numerous tears leaking out continuously

"Because I suffered ! I suffered seeing you lying helpless fighting against death in Coma ! I suffered the piercing questions of baby Samar and Samaira about their dad ! You were never in that place.. You would never understand how it feels to see your heartbeat sinking each passing day hopeless! " Avneet ended yelling pushing him as she ran in, she cried bad running inside leaving Siddharth in pain

He never knew that Avneet held him responsible for Amaira, her each word pierced his heart as daggers sucking his blood out..

He gulped controlling himself walking towards his cabin.

Avneet exhaled sharply collapsing on her chair, she wiped her tears off, sniffling and controlling herself just when her phone began to rang, she cleared her throat removing the phone from her pocket, it was a unknown number

"Hello.. " She picked the call up in a croaked voice

"Umm.. Are you Avneet Nigam? " She heard a lady's voice

She stiffened herself replying,
"Yeah.. Who's this? "

"I.. I'm Tanisha.. Tanisha Nair.. " Her heart skipped a beat hearing her, she straightened herself recalling

Tanisha.. The mother of Ahaana Nair whose report she had found in missing person's file with Siddharth's DNA matching with hers

"Why have you called me? " She asked in a cold tone, her blood boiling up

"I want to tell you something.. " She replied weakly

Avneet scoffed replying,
"I really don't wanna talk with you.. Neither about anything! " She was about to drop the call off when Tanisha blurted

"Ahaana is Amaira.. " She heard her panicked guilty voice

"Wh.. What? " Avneet asked shakily

"Meet me at Greenville Cafe at 7 "Tanisha gulped dropping the call off

Avneet's POV

How the hell is this even possible? I waved hand through my hair perplexed and feared..

Siddharth said.. That Ahaana isn't Amaira?!


Did he lie to me again!

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