Beautiful Remains

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Andy holds me as I cry. Ever since we started dating, he has been my go-to person when I need emotional support. I just stopped crying thirty minutes ago, and here I am crying again. I guess it's understandable since my family was just told that my little brother Jason has Leukemia. The doctors are beginning treatment, and he has to stay in the hospital for a while. I know that my parents are going to be at the hospital with him as much as possible while he's there. Andy continues rubbing my back and murmuring soothing words in my ear.

I still haven't told him what's wrong because I broke down as soon as he opened the front door of his house. We move to sit on the couch. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asks, his voice full of concern. I nod and tell him. Andy's face falls, and he appears to be fighting back a few tears. "I'm so sorry Scar." We sit on the couch for a little while longer before Andy gets up and heads to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You'll see," he says. I hear him open a cabinet and get some things out before he moves to either the fridge or the freezer. About two minutes later, he returns to the living room with two bowls of ice cream in his hands. He hands one to me, and I take it gratefully.

I eat a bite, and say, "I haven't had ice cream in so long. Thanks for this."

"It's no problem at all," Andy says with a smile. We eat our ice cream and watch TV until I have to go home. He walks me to my car and tells me, "Call me at any time." I nod and smile as we hug before I get in my car and drive away.

Once I'm home, I notice that I'm the only one home. I think about going to the hospital, which is where I know my parents are, but I was already there the entire morning, and I can only handle so much of that place before it makes me depressed, so I stay home. My stomach growls, so I go into the kitchen and make a sandwich.

After I eat, I grab a book off of my bookshelf in my bedroom and curl up in my chair to read. I'm so immersed in the book that I don't hear my parents come home until my mom knocks on my door. I save my place in my book and say, "Come in."

Mom comes in and sits on my bed. I adjust my position so I'm facing her. "How are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm doing alright, I guess," I reply. "I spent some time at Andy's. He got kinda upset after I told him about Jason."

Mom nods sympathetically. "That doesn't surprise me. They get along really well."

I want to change the subject and distract myself from thinking about Jason, but instead I ask my mom, "How is Jason doing?"

I watch Mom pause before she answers. "He's trying to stay optimistic about things right now."

"That's good." Just then, my phone begins to ring. I look at it to see that my friend Kelsey is calling. Mom gets up and leaves me to answer the phone. I answer and barely manage to get out my greeting before Kelsey starts rambling on about the date she just had with a guy she's been crushing on since Freshman year. After a few minutes of talking, her story ends, and it's my turn to talk. "I'm proud of you Kels. I'm so glad it went well tonight. Unfortunately my news isn't so good."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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