Ch. 5 - Collect Yourself

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I am so sorry it took so long to update.


The debriefing only lasted a short while, a dream compared to SHIELD's that have been known to sometimes last hours. Tony came up to her after the meeting. Not to apologize, but to gift her something.

"So I spent the night in the lab because ever since you said you were good with an ax, I couldn't get this idea out of my head. So I constructed something for ya."

He put a case with the Avengers logo on it on the meeting table and clicked it open. He stepped back to let her see what was inside.

Dorothy stepped forward and looked. Inside was a simple, sleek black stick.

She blanked. "What is it?"

"Why don't you pick it up?"

Dorothy ran her fingers down the smoothness of it and picked it up when she reached the "handle" of it. Turning it over in her hand, there were several buttons on the side of it. She pressed one, and a sharp blade appeared at the top of the stick in a fraction of a second. She pressed the other button, and another blade appeared on the other side of the ax. She pressed the button below both of them, and both of the blades retracted back into it. So both sides of the ax were retractable, so it could be used as a staff or baton if she so wanted.

"Wow, Tony. This is..." She didn't have to finish that sentence.

"So how about showing us those battleax skills, huh?"


"So if we're gonna work with you on the field, then we need to know how to fight with you," Steve said as he and a few others set up a course. "And to do that, we first need to know your fighting style."

Dorothy was left alone in the middle of the course they set up in a black skintight suit, also Tony's design. Some of the Avengers were in a glassed-off room to watch her complete the course on some screens.

"We're gonna watch while you do this course so we can evaluate your skills. If you need the simulation to end, just say the codeword. Got it?"

"Got it."

A door shut and then Steve's static voice came from all around her, "Alright, the simulation's being turned on. Your one task is to stay on the dot. Good luck."

Dorothy hopped from foot to foot, shaking out her arms to get rid of any jitteriness. When she felt the room hum to life with all kinds of mechanics, she pulled her ax from her back. She let one of the blades come out, bouncing it in one hand as she prepared for whatever the Avengers were going to throw at her.

The floor under her started to move, thrusting her backward and almost making her lose her balance. She was standing on a large green dot that she assumed she had to stay on throughout the simulation. She steadied her feet and readied the ax.

A large metal disc was hurled at her from behind, so she spun around and hit the disc with the blade side of her ax. She expected it to just ricochet off of the sharp edge, but instead the disc was cut clean in half.

Dorothy stood in shock at the ax's showcase, but she didn't have enough time to gawk before more discs were being thrown at her from all angles as the conveyor belt moved her forward.

By the time the discs were done being thrown, Dorothy was used to the feel of her new ax and moving around in her new suit. She felt more confident as she moved and fought through the simulation.

A few of Tony's Iron Legion even came and shot at her. She used the sides of her blades to block the shots and aim them back toward the robots, which worked better than she expected. The blades seem to be made of a tough metal alloy of some kind that can ricochet blasts like that. Tony really thought of everything.

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