cobra kai

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Later in the day, Robby and I had decided to go for a walk just to have some time alone as we really haven't had that recently besides when we were fighting but that doesn't count. 

Robby- so I have a question for you, and before you say no hear me out

Julia- oh boy, what is it?

Robby- so you know how I have been staying at the dojo, the one kreese runs?

Julia- mhm, where you going with this?

Robby- well he said I could train with them if I wanted to, even said I could bring you along as well

I looked at him confused as I put my hands in my back pocket 

Julia- to join or just to train when you want to?

Robby- well the second one but I think I might end up joining, I mean karate is a great way to channel your anger which is why I think you should join with me

Julia- no thanks, I gave up karate after the school fight Robby

Robby- that was months ago, Jules. this would be a great way for you to release your anger towards your mom and Miguel, plus we get to see each other way more

Julia- can't I just see you after? I can just pick you up or something

he looked at me with a disapproving look as I held a blank stare, he let out a dramatic groan making me stifle back a laugh.

Robby- no! you can't do that because than I'll just be way too tired to do anything, and honestly that's boring. how about this? can we make a deal?

Julia- *sighs* fine, what's the deal?

Robby- you try it for one day, one day of training. if you hate it, then you can leave, and I won't make you come back 

Julia- just one day? one day that's it?

Robby- yup!

Julia- and if I hate it, I can just leave?

Robby- yes! 

I looked at him before looking back ahead, I thought about it for a few moments while he kind of just stared at me clearly waiting for a answer.

Julia- my family won't like it, Robby

Robby- who cares! we've been through this once, right? remember back when I was in juvie? who cares what they have to say, except your yaya her opinion matters greatly

Julia- *sighs* alright alright, one day that's it. I mean it, Robby. if I hate it, I'm leaving. 

Robby- I'm completely okay with that! 

we ended up just continuing to walk and eventually got to the dojo, I looked at Robby who had this shit eating grin on his face making me sigh. he opened the door and i walked in before he followed behind me, I saw a bunch of people practicing with their Senesi yelling at them every few seconds. Once the door closed, everyone had seemed to look over at us and stop what they're doing including the Senesi who smiled at Robby. I'm guessing that's, Kreese.

Kreese- Robby, it's so great seeing you again

Robby- yeah well, I figured we should stop by maybe train a little to get the feel of everything.

Kreese nodding as he seemed to excuse himself before walking in the back, Robby started removing his shoes, so I followed right as two people walked over to us making me look up. the second I did, I locked eyes with Hawk and then Tory.

Julia- you have got to be kidding me.

Tory- what the hell are you doing here?

Julia- I was invited. I would ask you the same but fraquently I don't care

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