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I woke up the next morning, the sun was shining through the curtains and was shining on the table off. I was laying with my head on Robby's shoulder still on the couch with my legs on it bent a little while he was sitting with his arm around me and his head back on the couch. I looked around still trying to fully wake up as I moved my feet off the couch and sat up. I was still trying to process what had happened the night before and felt around for my phone since it was in my pocket, but as I was doing that Robby woke up. I didn't pay much attention as I started to panic looking for my phone and keys.

Robby- what are you doing?

Julia- my keys and phone are missing! my Mami's going to kill me, I missed school, and I didn't even text her where I was going to be last night

Robby- relax! they are on the counter; I have your phone charging since you crashed pretty hard last night, and I knew you were going to need it charged for today.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my phone off the counter as I turned it on, seeing over 100 missed calls and text from my mom. I sighed and grabbed my keys as i walked over to the door to grab my shoes so I could put those on. Robby stood up stretching as he walked over to me.

Robby- wait Jules, hold on for like two seconds- 

Julia- Robby, I would love to talk but I'm already in deep shit- ignore I just said that but I'll just text you later alright

I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek before finishing putting on my shoes. I ran out the door and to my car before I got in and started to race home. I got home and parked my car before running inside, I saw my mom on the phone looking panicked as Yaya was on the couch eating. they both looked at me as I shut the door, my mom hung up the phone and slammed it on the counter as she looked at me.

Carmen-¡¿Dónde estabas?! ¡Te he estado buscando todo el día! ¡No llegaste a casa después de la escuela ayer! su ubicación se apagó a las 12:13 am! ¡¿En qué casa estabas, tan tarde en la noche?! (Where were you?! i have been looking for you all day! you didn't come home after school yesterday! your location turned off at 12:13am! whose house were you at, that late at night?!)

Julia- I'm sorry! I was at Moon's, I forgot to text you and that's my fault! she wanted me to come over and help her with a project that we have due in science Friday! we finished up early and got caught up watching a movie that I had fallen asleep to, I must have forgotten to plug my phone in!

Carmen- ¡¿quién es Moon?! si eso es un corto plazo para lo que creo que es, ¡estamos a punto de hacer un viaje a la señora de la iglesia! (Who is Moon?! if that is a short term for what I think it is, we are about to take a trip to church lady!) 

Julia- what!? no it's not that! it's her actual name, Mami! her parents are what she calls 'hippies' so that name is fitting if you ask me! you can even call her and ask, she will tell you what I just did!

she sighed as she looked at me, I kept my keys in my hand and same with my phone because last time she took them, don't need that happening again.

 *Skip to next day at lunch since she didn't get grounded*

the next day I sat in lunch with my normal table, I was talking to Moon about the events that went down with Robby, and you can already guess how excited she was to hear about it and tell me 'I told you so'. As Sam walked over to Kyler, I turned my head to see what they were about to talk about because hey I'm nosy. 

Sam- you think it's funny spreading lies about me?

Kyler- hey, we went to saw a movie. well maybe I saw more of the movie than you did

Kyler's friend- yeah! I heard he doesn't mind that you suck!

Moon- in a movie theater, yucky

Sam- stop spreading lies about me or you will regret it

Kyler- hey you guys know that billboard! yeah, I guess Sam takes after her dad!

everyone started laughing when I heard someone throw their tray down making me turn my head to see Miguel.

Miguel- hey Kyler, why don't you shut the hell up?

Kyler- or what? you going to try to do your lame ass karate again?

Miguel- it's not karate, it's cobra kai.

he punched Kyler right in the face and a fight kicked off between the two. I stood up along with others as the fight increased, I was worried for him but seeing as he was kicking ass. I'm kind of proud. the fight ended with Miguel winning as he was dragged out by a teacher leaving a bunch of kids cheering while others were recording. after school came and I saw Sam walking looking pretty upset which I don't blame her, so I jogged over to her.

Julia- hey! do you want to hang out? I figured you could use a break after everything that happened today

Sam- I would really like that actually, but we would just have to stop at the dad's auto shop so i can grab something

Julia- fine by me but fair warning my car isn't the greatest and no, I don't want another one

she chuckled as we walked over to my car, we both got in before I drove to the auto shop. I parked my car before getting out to let her out in which she laughed at that making me laugh as well before we headed inside. she told me to stay so I did as she went to the back, I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through it when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Robby

Julia- what are you doing here? this doesn't seem like your kind of playing field

Robby- well actually I was here for a job interview, in which I did get the job 

Julia- wait actually? that's really cool, Robby!

I hugged him as he returned it before we both pulled away, we were continuing to talk when Mr. LaRusso came over and stood next to Robby.

Daniel- hey, Robby! is this a customer or?

Julia- unless you have cars $10 or under than nope

he let out a chuckle as Robby shook his head before looking at Mr. LaRusso right as Sam came over and stood next to me

Daniel- so are you two friends, siblings or what?

Robby- oh, Jules and I? were just friends, 

my face dropped a little at the words, I coughed slightly making Robby look at me as I gave a small smile to Daniel.

Julia- yeah just friends. uh actually our friend *motions between her and Sam* Moon, introduced us at the mall so that's how I met him

Daniel- that's great to know he has good friends keeping an eye on him, I hope to see you around more Jules, Sam, I'll see you at home and I'll see you on Monday, Robby

Mr. LaRusso walked away leaving Sam and I with Robby as I grabbed my keys out of my pocket getting ready to leave but as we were about to Robby stopped us. Sam looked at me before walking out, I was left alone with Robby as Sam was motioning for me to follow. I started to as I stopped looking at Robby.

Julia- friends' huh? hm, strange but if that's what you want to call it than okay. I'll see you later, friend.

I opened the door and walked out following Sam as we walked back to my car. 

Julia- friends?  friends dont kiss each other, at least not that I know of.

Sam- I'm starting to think that there's more to the story than just meeting one another 

Julia- oh, trust me there's alot that you don't know about.

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