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*Patrice's P.O.V.*

I finish packing my things & put them in the trunk. I live alone. Yes, i'm only 16 years old, but that doesn't mean anything. I've had to learn how to survive alone on my own. My parents are dead, my family hates me, I don't have any friends, & i'm currently suffering from heartbreak. How you ask? My ex-boyfriend, Seth, broke up with me & insisted on being friends. I know you're probably like "What's the big deal?". The problem is I allowed myself to fall for ANOTHER guy & he totally ends up crushing me in the end.

Seth & I had been going out for 2 years strong. I loved him, trusted him with every little secret I had. The good & the bad. He was my everything. I gave him my heart, he took it, & slammed it on the floor. This always happens to me. I just don't understand. I thought he loved me. He said he did. But, he obviously lied. He's begged me not to move away to Minnesota. I'm moving anyways. I need to get away from Louisiana. There's too many bad & painful memories here. Not just talking about the breakup. Other things too.

My phone chimes. One new text message from Seth.

"Patrice. Please. I'm begging you. Please don't move away. We can start over & be friends. Then work our way to a relationship. I love you. Don't leave me here without you. -xoxo Seth."

"Seth. For the last time. I'm leaving & there's nothinng you can do or say to stop me. I'm leaving this place & i'm never coming back. You don't love me. So don't say things you don't mean. I'll be better off without you. -fuck xoxo Patrice."

There's no way in hell that i'm letting Seth talk me out of moving. He can forget it. I grab my last items from the house, kiss it goodbye & start my drive to Minnesota.

I put in my Avenged Sevenfold CD & sing along to take my mind off things. Atleast one of my all time favorite bands can give me some source of happiness I haven't had in forever. As i'm on the road. I drive past the places I used to call home. Is leaving really a good decision? Who am I kidding? Of course it is! I can have a new start & I don't have to worry about all the people who don't like me because of my skin color & personality.

Yes, I used to get bullied because I'm black. I know, stupid right? I'm a human being just like everyone else. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to get away. Sure, I stuck up for myself, but one person aganist half of a high school isn't exatly fun. Seth was the only person who accepted me for who I was. All the teachers claimed to feel bad for me, but never did anything. I'm not racist though. It doesn't matter about skin color to me, it's all about personality. The most ugliest person can have a beautiful heart & the most beautiful person can have an ugly heart. That's just the way things work sometimes.

I guess I should probably tell you about my life now. Yeah, where to start? My name is Patrice Moody. I was born July 27th,1996 to the most wonderful parents a kid could imagine. Too bad they died when I was only 12 years old. From the i've been sent to many foster homes. But never adopted beacuse of the way I was. What do you expect? My parents just died & i'm supposed to be some happy angel? I don't think so! The foster homes finally got sick of me & threw me out on the streets when I was only 14 years old. From then on I had to fend for myself. I've done some terrible things that i'm not proud of, but I had to do those things to survive. When I finally got back on my feet, I started going to high school. Right from the start people didn't like me because i'm black. Seth was the only one who actually was my friend. I stuck around him. Eventually we confessed our feelings for each other & started going out. Nobody liked it. Seth's family was acceptive. They cared about our happiness. His family was like a real family that i've never had. But one night, Seth came over to my house & said he only wanted to be friends with me. I was heartbroken (still am) because he was the only alive person that I loved. He promised he wouldn't hurt me & he did. I guess that's what I get for trusting people. I quit my job, found a house in Minnesota, & got a new job as a checkout girl at some fancy place. I can't remember the name. I just know that it's $1,500 an hour. So that's good. The new high school i'm going to is called "Dream High School". No, it's not an actual dream, it's located on Dream Street. How I wish it was a dream. The house I got is in a pretty nice neighborhood out in the suburbs. The good part about it is school is only 5 blocks away. So, I can get a nice walk in. Or if I want to be lazy, just drive there.


I park my car in the driveway, collect my small belongings, & walk in the house. Wow, it's nice in here. The movers already set it up about a week ago, so I should be all good. I walk down the hallway to the bedroom & put my spare belongings in place. Then, the doorbell rings. Who could that possibly be? I walk to the door & open it. There standing in front of me is a white guy with short light brown hair, skinny, tall, thin pink lips, short eye lashes, medium-length fingers, & piercing hazel-brown eyes. He's dressed in a simple red shirt,  blue jeans, & red, black & white nikes. Looks about my age. He smiles slightly at me. I notice he has little dimples. I have to say, he's very attractive.

"Hello." They guy says. His voice is medium pitched, melodic, & a slight southern accent.

"Hey there. What can I do for you?" I ask smiling a little.

"Well, I saw your car pull up, & I know the family that used to live here moved out, so I was wondering who you were." The guy says.

"Interesting," I say. "What's your name?"


"Hello, Richard. I'm Patrice. Nice to meet you too."

"Thanks, same here. Uhh..can I come in?"

I widen the door & say "Sure." Richard comes in & I shut the door.

"Nice place you've got here," Richard says looking around. "If you don't mind me asking...where are your parents?"

I look down & then back up into Richard's eyes & say "I don't have any. I live alone. Have ever since I was 12 years old." Richard's eyes now hold sorrow, remorce, & something else I can't think of..

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Richard says.

"No, no. Don't be sorry. It's okay." I say.

"What school are you gonna he going to?"

"Dream High School."

"Really? Me too! We're going back tomorrow since that's when our break will be over. I could show ya' around, if you want...?"

"Sure, I'd like that."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Patrice." Richard says walking to the door.

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Richard." I say walking behind him. He smiles brightly, then walks out. I close the door & sigh. Wow is all I have to say..

Suddenly, i'm interrupted by my phone ringing loudly. I rush to my room & answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Patrice." The voice says. I recognize it instantly. Seth.

"What do you want Seth?"

"I'm coming to Minnesota & finding you. I'm not letting you get away so easily." Seth says. Then the line goes dead. I have a stalker ex who now all of a sudden cares..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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