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It had been about a week or two since the last chapter and now, Lydia is about 7 weeks pregnant.

And last night was one of the days you agreed to spend at your own house, without Lydia for ''you time''.

But you were already on your way back to Lydia's house as you had already gone a whole day and a half without seeing her and you were just itching to get back to her again.

After you park in a lot below her house, you gallop up the hill, your legs filled with excitement as you think about seeing your girlfriend again.

Dry grass and leaves crunch beneath your feet as you walk the familiar path.

By now, your muscles knew every curve, nick and twist in the trail you would follow almost every day up to her house.

It was a dirt path of deep brown, carved just a few centimeters below the grass.

It led all the way to her front door.

As you finally landed on the entrance way, you gently bang on the door.

Then, you clasp your hands together, waiting to see Lydia again.

Anticipation courses through you as the passing seconds linger in the air.

And soon, you hear the clicking of locks being undone followed by the door creaking open.

Behind it stands Lydia, timidly opening the door.

After a very short second or two, she realizes it's you.

Her face lights up and the anxiety in her eyes instantly disappears.

A smile crosses her lips as she grasps a chunk of her black dress, holding it up as she carefully steps out of the house in her usual black heels towards you.

Then, she drops the fabric in her hands to offer her arms out to you, asking for a hug with her sparkling brown eyes.

You give in immediately, gingerly wrapping your arms around her, being careful not to put any pressure whatsoever on her, keeping your body away from her stomach in fear of hurting her.

She stands as tall as she can to reach your shoulders.

After a few seconds, she releases you from her loving hug, placing her hands on her hips and looking up at you. 

"Angel, you know that I'm not a butterfly or something, right?" she says, smiling.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"I saw the way you didn't hug me like you used to.Your arms just kinda hovered over me and your body never even touched mine.I don't mean anything by it, I'm just wondering why, angel." she replies.

"Well...since we're almost 2 months in...I'm just trying to be careful around you.What if I hug you too tight and I hurt the baby?What if I do press against you and I end up hurting you?" you respond, twiddling your fingers together nervously.

She smiles at you somberly, "Love, I'm not fragile like that.I appreciate you looking out for me and the baby, but I think a little hug or two will be okay, yeah?And if you're still worried how about we go to the doctor's next week to check up on the baby, okay?".

You nod, "I'd like that.T...Thank you, Lydia.I love you.".

She beams, taking a small step towards you, wrapping you in another hug.

This time, you press your arms slightly against her upper sides, allowing your body to graze hers.

And after several seconds, you both pull away.

As you do, Lydia gently grasps your hand, sliding her thin, slender fingers between yours.

"Why are your hands so cold, love?" she asks, feeling up and down your freezing palms.

You realize that it is incredibly cold outside.

The wind is howling around you, pressing waves of bitter, icy winds about.

"Come in, come in." she murmurs, keeping a hold on your hand, leading you into her house.

You kick the door closed with your heel as you enter.

As she takes you into the living room, you ask, "Has the baby been okay since I've been gone?Have you been sick any?".

You both sit down on the sofa beside each other.

You gently lift her up and into your arms, placing her in your lap.

She snuggles into the shape of your legs, looking up at you before responding, "Y/N, our baby is fine.I promise.I've been a little sick here and there but I'm sure the baby and I are okay.Look, how about I set up an appointment tonight so that we can have an ultrasound next week?You can make sure that the baby is okay then." she offers.

You smile, "Yeah...I'd like that.Thank you, Lydia.I love you.".

She beams at you, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering with admiration.

Then, she reaches up, curling her hand around your neck, bringing your head down towards her face.

She presses her mouth against yours, gently sucking on your lips.

But, much to your dismay, the kiss is short-lived and she pulls away, grinning lovingly up at you.

You raise your head back up to it's original spot before nestling yourself and Lydia into the corner of her sofa, stretching your legs out in front of you and laying her between them.

She nuzzles her head into your thigh, settling into a comfortable position.

"Is it okay if I sleep here tonight, angel?" she asks softly, wrapping her arms around your leg.

You smile and nod, "Of course you can.I'll see you in the morning, love.".

She places a kiss on your thigh before closing her eyes, beginning to sleep in your lap.

You twitch your leg just an inch away from her stomach cautiously.

She pulls it back where it first was, relaxing her body on yours.

Slightly assured by her calmness, you allow your heavy eyelids to fall as you lean against the arm of the sofa, ready for sleep at last.

"Good night, sweetheart." she murmurs.

"Good night.".

Lydia Deetz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now