A Clumsy Attempt

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Harriet wasn't totally naive.

She knew that sex could be pleasurable. Why did men have mistresses and seek the company of ladies of the night? A younger Harriet could not understand it but she could now that she was married. Good wives were kept ignorant of sex so men sought those with more experience and who would do more...things.

Harriet wanted to enjoy it. She should be able to. She was a married woman who only had relations with her husband, just had God intended.

It felt so wrong in some ways. Friedrich was a perfect husband. He was faithful, kind and loyal. He treated her as an equal. One should not have to ask for that in a marriage, but Harriet knew that she was lucky to have him. Not every woman was lucky enough to have a husband who was faithful to her and not cruel. She would never be a wife whose life was totally separate from her husband.

There was just no passion. No spark. She cared deeply for him, but not in the way she thought a wife should care for her husband.

Phoebe was happy. She was always telling Harriet how long she and Lord Burnley spent in the bedroom. Was Harriet bad to want that?

She just had no idea how to do it. Telling him may well hurt his feelings. It wasn't like Harriet knew what she was doing either. She couldn't put a finger on what was going on. It was just so average.

Harriet also had no idea how to be a seductress.

She sat in front of the mirror, brushing her hair out so that it was completely loose. She'd added some rouge to her cheeks and pulled the neckline of her nightgown a little lower.

Maybe that would make Friedrich a little more excited?

Who was she kidding? Harriet always thought women who were married were so mature, yet she still felt as though she was a teenage girl.

Well, she had to try.

Taking a deep breath, Harriet stood up and exited her room. Most of the servants would be in bed.

Knock, knock, knock

"Enter. Ah, hello my dear."

His smile was so sincere and sweet.

"Hello," she smiled.

"What I can I do for you?"

"I was thinking perhaps we could, erm, have, erm, try for a baby again."

Gosh, I sound so pathetic.

"Yes, yes, sounds good," Friedrich didn't even look flushed, "Well let's get to it then."

So businesslike. So casual.

In one movement Harriet removed her nightgown. It fell down to the floor and she stepped over it. Friedrich hadn't noticed, he was too busy taking off his nightwear.

Harriet leaned on the bed and took his cheek against her palm, kissing him passionately. Friedrich looked surprised, yet receptive. He was actually a very good kisser. Their previous kisses had been chaste and quick. This was better.

They continued kissing for a while. Harriet lay still as they did so, attempting to get him to touch her body. Instead, he held her hand. It was oddly sweet and Harriet did feel touched by his gentleness. She just wanted a bit more.

Leaning up, she kissed his neck. That took his attention away from the kissing and allowed him to do the same in return.

Hands, Harriet, hands

She brushed a hand down his back as he continued to kiss her lips gently. His free hand tangled in her hair.

"Your hair looks lovely down."

"Thank you."

When the true intimacy happened, Harriet could not help but feel unsatisfied. She tried to guide his hands down for him to touch her, but Friedrich seemed to like to hold them instead. He thought she wanted comfort during sex. Whilst that was partially true, Harriet wanted the excitement that Phoebe and Hilda talked about.

Friedrich's lips were delicate against her skin yet did not provide her with that excitement. He did not give off any indication of enjoyment either. Both just seemed to be satisfied.

To his credit, Friedrich was trying. To her credit, Harriet was trying. She wanted him to enjoy it too. His trying, however, was sweet but not sensual. The most passionate thing were the kisses. At least it was still a starting point. They'd learned that the other liked to kiss passionately.

Harriet had learned something about Friedrich. Friedrich had learned something about Harriet.

It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Harriet felt a little more hopeful about their future intimacy.

Perhaps this would lead to a baby.

"I was thinking that perhaps we could go horse riding in the country soon," Friedrich said, "It may not be as warm as summer but I've heard it's going to be a mild winter. The horses won't tire so quickly."

"Yes, country air is just what is needed. Perhaps after the party?"

"A good idea. How are your preparations?"

"I am rather nervous, I must admit. It is my very first party as a hostess and Her Majesty will be in attendance. I am lucky that it is not during the season or there would be a larger attendance."

"You shall be a grand hostess my darling, I would not worry."

"My mother always made it look so effortless. I would sneak downstairs to watch everybody dance and eat before one of the maids marched me back to bed. I thought it so elegant and beautiful."

"My mother kept me under lock and key after a certain event."

"Oh?" Harriet was now curious.

"I feel wicked about it now but she invited a very famous opera singer to provide music at the event. I'd met this singer before and she was not a nice lady. She spoke down to everybody below her. I decided that she needed to be taken down a peg or two as you say in English. Right before the performance, I swapped the sheet music for the musicians. I changed it so that whenever she sang, her head and mouth bobbed up and down like a chicken. Oh it was grand. Everybody thought it was part of the show. Mother knew though. I wasn't allowed out of my room for a year when there were events on."

Harriet laughed, "How wicked."

"She was honestly beastly."

"A few years ago, John pranked Aunt Hilda..."

Hi all, hope you enjoyed it.

Next Time: Harriet gets a pep talk from Hilda.

Thanks again. Don't forget to like, comment, and check out my other work as well xxx

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