Princess Tritea King Triton's Youngest daughter.

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Princess Tritea daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena of Atlantica City

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Princess Tritea daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena of Atlantica City.

Siblings: Sisters 1st oldest twins Princess Attina and Aquata, 2nd set of twins: Princess Arista and Adrina, and three set of twins, Princess Adella and Alana, youngest older sister Princess Arielle Ariel for short.

Princess Tritea shares one specific trait with the second set of her twin sisters having blonde hair but a dark shade of it. Like Ariel in the tv show she'll either wear it down or wavy or in a braid.

Her brown eyes are from her father, and her pink tail is a nod to her niece's Melody's tail color later shown in Return to the Sea.

Like Ariel and Arista she also is into exploring things and learning about the Atlantic ocean history and its creatures.

Her nickname is Tea. She is the only daughter named for her Father and the only daughter that actually exists in the Greek mythology about Triton.

She like Ariel and all her other sisters adores music but is very shy about being a musical artist as she has severe stage fright. She is six months younger than Ariel. She has a starfish friend which she wears in her hair a present from Ariel on one of her exploring days when she was still too young to leave the city.

This character will appear in The Original Royal Line we will see them growing up at the same time as Pocahontas does. Maybe there's even a possibility these three could meet sometime.

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