11. Karma

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Christmas came just like every year.

Karma didn't wake up until after noon. When she did wake up, she found a Christmas bag with her name on it by her door. Smiling and rubbing sleep from her eyes, she grabbed the bag and went to sit back on the bed.

In Lily's handwriting, Karma's name stared back at her as she tore through the bag.

"This girl." Karma laughed at the panty set and vibrator as she tossed the contents of the bag next to her.

"Merry Christmasssss, bitchhhh." Lily came through the door, smiling from ear to ear, making Karma grin widely too.

"Merry Christmas, boo."

"Get dressed, I'm takin' you to out. Woulda done breakfast but you slept hella late."

Karma yawned and checked the time on her phone.

It was after 1pm. Damn, she thought.

"Where we goin'?" Karma asked as excitement brought her to her feet. She was in her walk in closet a moment later with Lily right behind her.

"Wear somethin' cute."


Karma spent the whole day with Lily, shopping. They went out to eat first before spending hours at the mall.

It wasn't what Karma planned on doing the whole day but she had fun with her best friend anyways.

It was 6pm when they got home and the party Lily wanted to go to started at 8pm. So the girls went off in their own directions in order to be ready at a decent time.

While getting ready, Karma thought about Egypt. She didn't know where she wanted to take her but all that mattered was the woman agreed to leave her apartment with her.

Karma planned on taking advantage of that. No matter where she took Egypt, it had it had to be special. That's what she told herself as she slipped into a black fashion Nova dress.

At the party, Karma and Lily tossed back shot after shot, enjoying the vibrations of the club music blasting. It was so loud, they could barely hear their thoughts. Karma knew she wanted to dance though.

So they did.

The two friends danced for hours, only stopping to take more shots and pose in each other snapchat videos. All in all, they were having a good time at the Christmas party of the year.

Karma was enjoying herself so much, when she felt a pair of hands pull her by the waist as she danced and winded her hips, she didn't hesitate to throw her ass back.

Right away, the smell of expensive cologne made her skin tingle.

"Bout time I seen you outta work." AP yelled over the music as they danced together.

Karma ignored her and continued swaying her hips to the music. Megan Thee Stallion knew how to make her shake her ass and she loved it. She was having a good time.

AP grinned devilishly and let her hands roam over Karma's body. With so much alcohol in her system, Karma didn't fight it. She tilted her head to the side as the music slowed and an old school classic rang from the speakers.

As everybody on the dance floor boo'd up, Karma reached behind her and grabbed AP's neck. She brought the taller girl closer to her level and gasped when she felt teeth bite into her flesh.

Neck kisses were her biggest weakness.

AP slid her hand in between Karma's legs and bit her lip when she felt the girl wasn't wearing anything under the little black dress she wore. She debated on slipping a finger inside. Before she could make up her mind, Karma did it for her.

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