The news about Lin Huang being on the 46th checkpoint already to most of the people at the gathering point.

Many of them wanted to challenge him. Since he was now a popular person, anyone who managed to kill him would obtain more than four million points.

Many of them had thought about this earlier when they were on the 33rd checkpoint. However, Lin Huang did not even stay at the 33rd checkpoint yesterday as he managed to get to the 41st checkpoint. At this moment, he was taking a break on the 46th checkpoint. To many of the other people, it was a good chance to rob him.

Since he was logged out of virtual reality, Lin Huang had no idea that he had caught the attention of so many people. After changing his clothes, he went to the Sweep Gourmet.

After sitting in room No.301 for about three minutes, Yao Lan, Huangfu Hao, and a tall lady in a white top and black pants came in.

The lady had waist-length black hair and she looked pretty yet cool. Although she managed to restrain her aura well, Lin Huang could still vaguely feel that she was intimidating.

Lin Huang knew that she must be the Sweep Alliance’s chief, Huangfu Lin.

Just as he was checking her out, she was checking him out as well.

“Ms. Lin, he’s Lin Xie.” Yao Lan introduced with a smile, “Lin Xie, the pretty girl standing next to me is the chief of Sweep Alliance, Huangfu Lin.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Lin Huang stood up and shook hands with her.

After greeting each other, all three sat down.

As usual, Yao Lan was the one who ordered the dishes. It seemed like Huangfu Hao was rather reserved since he remained silent when he met his sister.

Lin Huang was not close with Huangfu Lin so he kept quiet as well.

Instead, Huangfu Lin started a conversation with Lin Huang, “I actually wanted to talk to you two days ago but you didn’t answer my call.”

“Two days ago?” Lin Huang was stunned and immediately recalled what happened back then. “Is that your number? I thought someone called the wrong number so I didn’t call back.”

“It’s okay. Sometimes it’s better to talk face to face.” Huangfu Lin nodded her head and immediately said, “I heard it from Xiao Lan that you didn’t ask for the strategy of the Stairway Tree?”

“Yes.” Lin Huang nodded. “It’s more interesting to pass through each checkpoint on my own.”

“Does it mean that you’re now on the 46th checkpoint but you knew nothing about each checkpoint while you were going through them?” Huangfu Lin asked.

“When I was on the 21st checkpoint, I overheard the strategy for several checkpoints but I didn’t ask for a more detailed description of the checkpoints.” Lin Huang nodded his head and admitted.

“Why do you want to do so? Isn’t it much easier if you know how each checkpoint is supposed to be?” Huangfu Lin frowned.

“Climbing the stairway is like practice to me. It depends on how well-trained we are. That, will determine how far we’ll be able to go. It’s a natural thing. Don’t take completing each checkpoint as a goal and attempt to achieve checkpoints that are beyond one’s ability.” Lin Huang explained.

After listening to what Lin Huang said, Huangfu Lin, Huangfu Hao, and Yao Lan remained silent.

“I believe that you didn’t cheat.” Huangfu Lin sized him up and said. “A person who says this will definitely not cheat for the sake of getting more points.”

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