"(Y/N)... Is something the matter?"

She asked of me

...I stare at her back. I clench my fist hard. bite my lip, stifle the words about to come out from my mouth. and engrave her figure to my memories....

I want to scream. ------- To tell her not to go. I want to throw my pride and scream for her to stay here.

I love Durandal. I want her to be happier than anyone else and I want to be with her forever. But if I truly love her. That's wrong.

I loved Durandal as she continued to fight even getting hurt. She was a girl who discarded everything. was filled with injuries. yet still protected all the way through.

-----If I consider that beautiful and want to protect it...

I cannot destroy her life just for my own selfishness.

"I... It's nothing, don't worry about it..."
I say so with a flood of emotions.

As I speed up walking away from her forward. I felt a firm grip on my wrist. Stopping me from moving forward.

Music: Lovers Oath

Turning around, I saw her holding my arm, not wanting to let me go. staring into my soul. with her eyes.

"(Y/N), I want to hear it from you."

I tensed up. Before reluctantly looking at her one more time. looking through her eyes. seeing mixed emotions running around her. Feeling her arms stiff like a rock. unable to move form her position.

My body is also frozen as well. As my heart beats faster in every second feeling like it will explode on my chest. Fear of Rejection flashes through my mind. But I've gathered my courage. Telling her what I truly feel...

"I fell in love with you the day that I met you, and then I fell in love with the person you remembered you are. I got to fall in love with you twice. That’s— that’s magic. You’re the first thing I’ve believed in since— since I don’t even remember, okay, you’re— you’re movies and destiny and every stupid, impossible thing, and it’s not because of the fucking train, it’s because of you. It’s because you fight and you care and you’re always kind but never easy, and you won’t let anything take that away from you. You’re my hero, Bianka. I don’t care if you think you’re not one. You are.."

I did it... I finally said it... I looked at her with a bitter-sweet smile. My chest feels relief yet saddened... I could only look at her beautiful stunned face. Perhaps she doesn't feel the same for me... Even so, I can finally my heart to rest at last... Even if I'm not rewarded...

Without any warning. Durandal embrace me... Holding me tightly like never wanting to let go. I feel the her warmth. My heart was beat faster than I could compare this situation. Hearing her crying while her face is buried in my chest.

"Took you long, enough... You swords-for-brain..."

"Whenever I would feel lonely or scared, just thinking about you calmed me down. I was always able to pull through because you were there for me. you would always save me. It's thanks to you that I was able to move on. I want you to always stay by my side smiling."

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