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Dion smashed the chair to the ground, and Keira who was hiding behind the bushes, flinched at the menacing rage she felt from there. Medea immediately jumped down from a nearby tree and slowly approached him.

'I knew things were too easy...' Medea sighed as Dion relaxed a bit after hearing his wife's voice. 'Eros must've done this on purpose, what game is he playing?' Medea froze as she saw Dion's expression and smiled.

'Well if he wants us to play this game of his, we'll play.' Dion grunted before stomping out, and Medea couldn't help but giggle. It was times like these she was proud of her husband, someone who had turned his back against the world without a care, that person is now willing to fight the world for his family. Family, Medea giggled at the word, it was ironic how both of them had turned their backs on their own family before making a new one. Medea was about to make her way out before spotting something on the floor, it was a small crumpled up piece of paper, and Medea couldn't help but smile.

'It looks like things would end sooner than I expected.'


A butterfly. That was the first thing that Leilin had thought of when she first saw her. A young lady, perhaps the same age as her mother, with long golden locks and devilish red eyes that resembled her Father. But that wasn't the reason why Leilin thought of a butterfly, because behind those bewitching wings, this woman had a dangerous aura surrounding her, as if just by looking at her she could finish you in an instant. Leilin's thoughts were interrupted when a deep voice spoke.

'Here, Ana.' Eros demanded as he kept his eyes on Leilin. Ana made her way to him as she winked at Leilin, making her wonder about the situation she was in now. Leilin had woke up to have found herself on a small bed, she was in a room this time, though it was small and cramped. It was safe to assume that her family must have found out about where she was so they had changed the location. Leilin also wondered about the relationship those in front of her were in, she knew it wasn't the appropriate time and place for gossip and relationships but she was bored from having to wait for them all day. Suddenly, Eros grabbed Ana by the throat and lifted her up in the air, it was strange normally any normal person would at least try fight back or struggle, but  Ana just accepted it like a rag doll and just kept smiling. What was also strange is that they seemed to have forgotten I was in the room, taking the opportunity I hopped out of bed and knocked him over, Eros groaned on the floor while Ana devilishly smiled at me while winking. An infuriated Eros quickly got up and pulled me by the hair and squeezed my face.

'I've waited years to do this to Medea but my patience has come to an end, it's a good thing you have your mother's face.' He creepily smiled, as he pulled out a knife and held it to my cheek. 'Don't worry this will only take a second.' Just as he was about to plunge it at me, a hand stopped him. I smiled as I saw who it was.

'What do you think you're doing to my daughter.' Dion said sternly as he glared at Eros. Eros scoffed at Dion which only provoked him more.

'Save your breathe, Dion' Medea said as Eros' bitch face soon turned into a face full of excitement. 'Later, we can torture him later.' Medea turned to Leilin as her stern face, relaxed at the sight of her. She quickly made her way towards her and hugged her as if the world was ending. 'I knew you'd survive.' she whispered as she kissed Leilin on the forehead.

'Of course,' Leilin replied as she smiled. 'I'm a Solon after all.' Their moment was interrupted as Leilin saw a man with silver hair and yellow eyes fussily checking if Ana was alright. 

'I'm fine, really Cassis.' Ana murmured as Cassis stared at her bruised neck.

'You always have to put yourself into danger.' Cassis said as he closed his eyes and gently kissed Ana, a faint yellow glow surrounded them before disappearing. Leilin was tempted to yell 'get a room' but decided not to as she also thought it was cute at the same time. 

'Roxana!' Medea made her way to Roxana as they briefly hugged. 'Thank you for keeping my daughter safe.' 

'Well, it's what I should do, since I'm her Auntie of course.' Leilin's jaw dropped as she heard this, now everything made sense and Leilin wasn't the only one shocked at this news.

'Wait we have an auntie?' Lucas popped out of no where, as he looked around, confused at the situation. 

'Lucas, I told you to stay home.' Dion grumbled as he glared at him.

'Relax, old man, I just wanted to see if you guys succeeded or not.' Dion flinched at the words old man and Cassis snorted at the comment. 

'I like this kid.' Cassis whispered to Roxana who seemed to agree with him. Everything was peaceful until Eros decided to speak again.

'I will have my revenge! You son of a b-'

'Sleep.' Roxana whispered as a swarm of butterflies appeared then disappeared. Leilin and Lucas admired the randomness out of this.

'If you could do this, the whole time, why didn't you just do it?' Leilin asked, Roxana replied with a smile.

'Just for fun.' Cassis deeply sighed and took it as a cue to leave.

'Well we must be off now, bye.' He rushed out dragging a smiling Roxanne out. The family stood in silence processing what just happened. Lucas was the first one to break the silence.

'Let's go already, I want to be the first to kill this piece of shit.' He said as he pointed at a giggling Eros. Dion patted Leilin's head as he whispered.

'Welcome back.'

Sorry, the ending was so rushed, my motivation plummeted as the days went bye.

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