Qin Yiren smiled helplessly, she was almost used to Xu Wenyin being disconnected from time to time, it was just a word "囍", no big deal.

Yes, it is like that!

A few days after the Lantern Festival, the kindergarten also started.

Xu Youyou saw her friend whom she hadn't seen for a long time again, and immediately gave a hug to each other enthusiastically.

And Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin also brought Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun's specialties to Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun, and the three of them sat together happily while eating and talking.

Except for Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun.

Lu Chenjun has always been like this, everyone is used to it.

But when Liu Yanzhi arrived at the kindergarten today, he obviously felt a little absent-minded, but Xu Youyou didn't think much about it, thinking that Liu Yanzhi had not recovered from the holiday.

Until Liu Yanzhi frowned and sent his birthday invitation.

His birthday is at the end of February, and the New Year is earlier this year, so it happens to be next week.

But...why frown.

Happy birthday, aren't you?

Xu Youyou was a little puzzled.

"There will be many adults coming for my birthday." Liu Yanzhi explained by biting his lips.

After Liu's father came to Jiangcheng, he made many friends, and he always found a reason to open the banquet. Now his son's birthday is also used by him to make a fuss.

Especially after knowing that Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun had made friends, he even asked Liu Yanzhi to invite Lu Chenjun and Qin Yiren over.

I don't even look at my child's birthday and it's only four years old, and I don't worry about what image my son will have in the hearts of my friends.

However, Liu Yanzhi was still young, and even if his grandfather helped him, he could not leave the Liu family.

And why did he leave?

Those bad guys who killed his mother didn't pay the price and still laughed so happily!

Even if Grandpa told Liu Yanzhi not to think so much and grow up happily, he would never forget his mother's appearance when he jumped off the building!

If Lu Chenjun's intelligence is innate, then Liu Yanzhi was probably forced out.

In fact, the circle of the capital of the Liu family knows that Liu Yanzhi's grandfather wanted to add Liu Yanzhi to the training camp, but he also gave up his old face and begged the Qin family.

As a literati who has never asked anyone for a lifetime, this is undoubtedly a sad thing.

Although Mother Qin wanted to agree at that time, she still chose to ask Qin Yiren first. After all, the Liu family was in troubled waters. Even if Liu Yanzhi was still young, who knows what would happen to his family in the end? to reel...

Qin Yiren finally agreed to let Liu Yanzhi come over.

She had met Liu Yanzhi's mother several times. She was a gentle and kind person, but unfortunately it didn't end well.

Moreover, Liu Yanzhi was about the same age as Juan Juan, but he had already experienced so many things. As a mother, Qin Yiren couldn't help but feel compassion.

She also knew her son. She looked like she didn't like to talk, but her heart was clear. If Liu Yanzhi really inherited his father's character, Juanjuan would not be friends with him.

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