The Nurserys

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((Oh boy, does Teecklo smell some lore???))

((Also to the people I'm still yet to publish a requested part.. Teecklo is working on it. Teecklo keeps getting good ideas that Teecklo doesn't finish, and a request is looking to be over 1.5k words long.))

((Chapter includes:
- Child characters
- Wholesome vibes
- Lore on how baby tickle monsters are 'made'
- Blatant hints of rainbow children))

In the world of Gargaloa, tickle monsters are a certainty. Going to any major point, means you must face them one way, or another. However, it may surprise you just how tickle monsters come to be.

It is cryptically unknown where a majority of tickle monsters come from, as only a spare few have actually reproduced through usual means. It is also proven that for the species as a whole, besides some outliers, the majority of tickle monsters have a slim to none existent instinct to reproduce, so how the population in Gargaloa has grown to a third of the human population on Earth is scientifically baffling.

And no, not even tickle monsters really know how the species has thrived from seemingly nothing.

What is known, however, is that the tickle monsters without biological parents have came from eggs that are most commonly found washed up on shores.

And one day, an egg that is quite important to us, would wash up on the coasts of the region Kileika.

The nurseries are where discovered egg-made monsters will be deposited. These facilities have the resources of human daycares, hospitals, and primary schools, all in one. They are specifically designed to hold hundreds of little tickle monsters at once, with capacity to fill with even more.

In the play area, hyperactive monsters run around and pounce on each other. The sound of giggling can be heard from the halls, while some of the smaller monsters fight over toys and crayons. Infact, as soon as the drawing tools were out, the pencils that had fluffy feathers on the ends, were the ones to get picked first.

In the midst of the shouting and the the playing, a lone monster sat in the corner. The monster was quiet as could be, drawing away with scraps of paper, and crayon boxes with most of the crayons broken in half. He simply had tuned out the noise, with his focus completely set on the paper infront of him.

"Hey, Teecklo." A soft voice called to the small monster, prompting him to look up at the caller. Confused, but obedient. The caller was another monster, with features similar to a dog. This monster was knelt down in front of the smaller monster, "Wouldn't you like to play with the other monsters? Surely it's lonely being here all on your own." the voice was genuine, but even if it wasn't, Teecklo didn't really have a voice to reply with. He simply stared blankly at the monster in front of him, before continuing on with his scribbling.

"Give it up, Xempt." Another carer monster called to the dog-like monster, "Teecklo's mute, little guy would probably get trampled by the other kids."

Xempt shrugged, "Was worth a shot, I guess.."

The caretakers would leave Teecklo back to his scribbling, after all Teecklo was happy that way.

The playtime had came and went and it was currently nap time for the younger monsters. The energetic ones had either tired themselves out from tickle fighting each other, or were fighting tooth and nail to convince their caretakers that they weren't tired yet. Alas, all the monsters would eventually submit to the powerful force that was sleepyness.

(01) Teecklo's Tickle Monster StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now