"What the fuck?"

"That's what I said! Mom, please! Please, tell me why she had all these photos."

"I'm waiting on you to tell me!"

Flabbergasted. You sat there, mouth ajar while she laid the photos one by one on the table in front of you. Each one having a different face, people you'd never seen before. That's when she started pointing. The gumption. The gall filled with iterations of 'He was with her for however many months and then came back to me. They lasted this long and then he called me. This was hardly a week. He was hung up on this one for a while but still came back to me.'

"Why do you have these?" Your brows furrowed looking over the display.

"He met her in Argentina," She paused. "I kind of liked her for him. He called me when it ended. We were together for a while and then," she set down another photo."

"What the fuck." You sat back, pushing yourself away from the table. Glaring between her and the photo of you and Might at cafe Greene all that time ago. "You're obsessed."

"I'm trying to warn you."

You looked at her partner. "Did you know she was doing this? Are you okay with this?" She gave a look of defeat, waving it off before going back to her food. "Girl, you have got to get a grip."

"Are really going to ignore what's in front of you. This is to save you."

"I'm not ignoring shit. I see more than one problem here and I'm genuinely concerned for everyone involved." You scoffed. "So you've been stalking him between your relationships, not just him, but his significant others too. WHY? Like, what is the end goal here?"

"I'm trying to save you some heartbreak, and get you out of dodge before it's too late."

You muttered curses under your breath, rubbing your face while trying to rationalize everything that was happening. "How long have you been watching me?" You frowned.

"Only until I met you at the bar-"

"Bitch." You didn't mean to let that slip, but damn this was all coming from left field. "Then that was a set up. You set me up!"

"I only wanted to see what was between the two of you. I thought he-"

"Did you find what you were looking for?"


"You know what, I don't think this meeting should continue."

"No, he's got you under his thumb doesn't he?" She pointed at one photo. "He's manipulative." Another photo. "Secretive." Another photo. "Possessive." She set a hand on her chest. "He'll shower you with everything you want to distract you from the fact that he's separating you from your home."

Frown still plastered on your face, it took every fiber of your being to not make a scene. Thoughts racing through your mind while you tried to find a response in the flood of unsolicited information being forced down your throat. Your hands were clasped in your lap when it dawned on you. This is what I call a pro gamer move. 

"Bianca, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I haven't met that version of him." She sat there, mouth agape, and silent. "W-What?" This is something I gotta work through on my own, not with you. "I said I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm not sure if cheating was your way of getting back at him, or if all of this is to truly warn me, or push me away from him so he'll come back to you like you say he does when this," you waved over the photos, "doesn't work out."

Time in a Tree (All Might x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ