The Tea Party

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Author: You reader's name will be Sophia Young, often called as Lady Young or Miss Young

Sophia's POV:

"Lady young! Lady young!"  I opened my eyes to see my maid, Ari, smiling "Today's the tea party, Your beautiness!!" she exclaimed "Ahhhhh, The Moriarty's Tea Party eh?" I got up from my bed and looked at the mirror.

What an unpleasant sight. I'm a mess.

"Ahhh!!, You'll meet Lord Albert and his brothers!!" Ari said "Hah! why are many ladies so interested in them?!" I replied "Oh well, They are handsome and I heard they are so kind to the point that they can't even kill a single fly!" Ari said "Now anyway, We need to get you dressed up immediately!" She added and started pampering me up. "You look gorgeous!!" She exclaimed

Tsk, I look like my face bumped into a sack of flour.

I wiped some of the makeup off and got ready to go to the Moriarty Residence "Lady Sophie, you absolutely can't travel there by foot!!, Step on the carriage this instant" Ari opened the door and waved me Goodbye


At the Moriarty Residence


....fuck, It's chaos outside.

"I'm getting off after these crazy ladies go inside!" I told the butler "As you wish, Milady" He replied. At last, I went down the carriage and saw Lord Albert at the entrance along with his younger brother, William "What a lovely dress" William said "Hah, Uncomfortable dress indeed!, Do you have a suit that I can change in?!" I asked, "Oh my, What an Interesting choice of clothes for a young beautiful lady" William said "But OfCourse, Bonde will lead you to the dressing rom" Albert added

"Hey there, Beautiful" A blonde man took my hand and kissed it "To the dressing room, Shall we?" He added.


"Ah you're back! Lady Young, Or rather, Lord Young?" William laughed "HAHA!, I love your sense of humor, You might be my type, Master William" I said, "Oh is that so? Hmmhahaha, I know that I'm handsome, but please be aware that I might give you a heart attack just by doing this" He caressed my cheek and smiled

What is he doing exactly. His smile is so fake

"No fairrr!!! William-sama why are you only talking to her!!" the ladies said with irritation, WIlliam just smiled and continued looking me in the eye "Hey William, quit looking at me if you don't want me to fall for you" I said, Joking

"Ahhh, Lady Young, what a beautiful shade of purple your eyes are" William added, I smiled and removed his hand from my cheek "Instead of doing that, can you give me tea?" I asked, "Ahh, You can have mine" he handed me his cup "Did you drink from this? Do you think I would drink from the same cup as you?" I asked "hahaha! What mean words from a beautiful young lady!" William said and poured tea into another glass "You let that chance slip away! The privelage of drinking from the same cup as William-sama!!" The ladies exclaimed 

I sipped from the cup and looked at William, He was smiling at me, Handsome as ever. 

W-what is this?! I have been poisoned. Bweeelkh 

"Master William, this tea is so bitter! I'm vomiting Waaaaah!" I gave him a death stare

His eyes widened for a few seconds, but his obviously fake smile turned into a true one.

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