Chapter 1

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Edited: 10/06/2023

I woke up this morning carefully getting out of bed. I flinched as I moved to stand. Glancing in the mirror I stared at my reflection. I was covered in black and blue bruises there were a few cuts on my arms, legs, and my face. The scar that stood out the most covered my face. My blonde hair was stringy and clung to my face and neck. I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I looked really skinny too. I finally tore my eyes from the mirror and grabbed some clothes and walked to my bathroom to shower quickly locking the door. I undressed and turned the water on stepping into the shower and letting the warmth envelope me. I was in the middle of washing off when somebody banged on my door. I jumped and slipped landing with a thud on one of my fresh bruises, holding in the tears I yelled out "Who is it?"
Who do you think it is?! You're taking forever hurry up you have to get ready for the Aptitude test!
I shook my head and stood up carefully. "Of course, Vincent I know. I'm ready."
Yeah you better be and you better stay in Erudite or else got it!
I cringed at what he meant but I already knew. "Ok Vince," I lied. Hearing him walk away and slam my door I was safely alone again. I shut off the water and quickly but carefully got dressed in white jeans and a modest blue top with a white coat over top and white converse to match. I took one look in the mirror and smiled no bruises were visible, I almost felt normal. I couldn't stay here forever, taking a deep breath I finally left the bathroom knowing I had to confront my brother.

I walked down to the kitchen where I watched my mom make breakfast and my dad was sitting down discussing things with my brother. They stopped when I walked in. My brother turned to look at me a grin spread across his face. I quickly looked away and greeted mom, kissing her cheek. My brother was smart he acted like he loved me and cared for me around my parents but I knew it was all an act.
"Good morning mom, morning dad."

Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?
"I slept well" another lie.
Are you nervous about today? My father asked. "I'm a little nervous."
I refused to sit down I'd rather run out the house and meet up with Kailey and Will.

"I'm sure she will be fine mom", Vincent said gripping my arm where my bruise was. I bit my lip holding in the tears. He smirked at me and squeezed one more time and let go.

"Well I don't want to be late for school. "Bye Mom bye dad" I paused and looked down "bye Vince." And I opened the door and practically ran out of the house.

I eventually caught up with Kailey and Will. "Hey Willow how's your day?"
"It's fine."
Kailey gave me a look. She knew I was lying. Kailey unlike me was tall and athletic she didn't look like your usual Erudite. She looked like she belonged in Dauntless. Her hair bounced as she walked and she was prettier than me. I envied her for wearing a dress I knew I could not then others would question me. So what do you think you want on your test? Will asked.
"I don't know" I shrugged.
"Well that's helpful."
"I'm going to move to Dauntless," Kailey said placing her hands on her hips and giving us a smug grin. I smiled shaking my head. Well if Kailey is going to Dauntless I won't be alone I thought. We finally had made it to the building the lady gave us a speech about choosing a faction and once we chose that was it. Afterwards I said bye to Kailey and Will wishing them good luck. I walked through the door to see a room full of mirrors in the middle was a chair kind of looked like it belonged at the dentist. I noticed a lady in there dressed in black I automatically assumed she was from Dauntless. I took a seat in the chair.

"My name is Tori and I will be administering your test." I nodded my head. "You know you are the first quiet Erudite I've talked to today," she said smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back and whisper "I'm one of a kind I guess."
"Well don't take it as a bad thing." She said walking over picking up a vial that had blue liquid in it. "Here drink this", she said handing it to me. I took it and looked at her. "What is it?" I smelled it but it had no smell. "It will help you get into the simulation now drink up."

I did as she told and drank all the liquid then everything went black. I woke up in the same room but Tori was gone. I heard a voice "Choose" I looked behind me and saw a knife and a piece of meat on tables. I didn't hesitate I knew I wanted to Dauntless so I quickly grabbed the knife as I did I heard snarling. I instantly froze and saw a vicious dog advancing on me. I spun the knife in my hand and looked at the dog. It charged me and jumped I stabbed it and it whimpered and laid still. I sighed in relief until I heard a young girl. "you killed my puppy! How could you?!" I stared at her in shock. "I..I..I had too or it was going to kill me!" Frustrated I wrapped my arms around my legs and cried then I woke up. I looked at Tori. She looked at me with wide eyes.
"What is it?"
"Your test results were Dauntless."
I sighed in relief. Just Dauntless I knew it was destiny know.
"You know for a girl as tiny as you I wasn't expecting Dauntless," Tori said with a laugh. I smiled and thanked her then left to go home I wondered how Kailey and Will did. I walked back to my house and sighed standing in front of the door. I didn't want to go in but I had to. I turned the door knob and walked inside shutting the door behind me. My mom and dad weren't there I guess they were still at work.

I shuddered though when I heard footsteps. Vincent. "Hey little sister how was your test?"
"fine." I wanted nothing more than to get to the safety of my room.
"Really what were your results?"
"You know I can't say anything." I spoke looking at the ground refusing to meet his eyes.

"So they are stupid rules and you know I won't tell." Vincent was getting angry.

"I guess you'll just have to find out tomorrow"

I spoke up moving past him. I didn't get far though. Vincent reached out and grabbed my bruised arm I grimaced and wouldn't dare look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I slowly turned to face him tears threatening to run down my cheeks. "That's better. Now tell me!" His grip tightened.
I was shocked I was standing up to him and I knew after I said that I was going to pay. He dragged me upstairs and threw me on the floor and kicked my side. I cried out in pain.

"Why are you so stupid Willow! You know I bet it was your fault Eric left to go to Dauntless." He said kicking me again. I coughed up some blood and curled up in a ball. "You are a disgrace! And you know what you better stay in Erudite or else!" I could hear the venom in his voice. I looked up at him one more time to see a fist coming right at me then darkness

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