Doranbolt x Lahar *Angst*

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Does anybody else ship these two? There so cute and I love them so much. Also this might be crap so yeahh sorry.


"It's not you're fault stop blaming yourself" Lahar said trying to assure Doranbolt "No it was I was the one who left them!" Doran screamed then broke down sobbing.

It had been this way for months Doran's excessive drinking and fits, and Lahar was scared Droran would hurt himself or do something stupid so he had been staying with him since they got back from Tenrou Island.

Lahar signed and went to his old friend and hugged him trying to comfort him "Doran listen it wasn't your fault you have to get over it" Lahar said calmly "NO!!! You don't understand I could have gone back and warned them  but instead I acted like a coward and just left them to die! I don't even deserve to live anymore!" he screamed.

Lahar's eyes widened "Don't do anything stupid!" Lahar said sharply "Please Doran you need to forgive yourself!They wouldn't want this, they'd forgive you and want you to not dwell on it or if not for them, me " Lahar whispered the last part tears coming to his eyes.

Doranbolt was shocked he had never seen Lahar cry. "Ok, I won't do anything." Doran said quietly wiping Lahar's tears away and then he hugged him.

"Promise?" Laura asked his voice cracking as he hugged Doran tighter.

" I promise" Doran said finally calming down he's right they wouldn't want me to dwell on it, they would have forgiven me. Doran breathed a sigh of relief as a Wight lifted off of his shoulders as he hugged Lahar even tighter.


I don't know if you would consider this angst cause it's kind of fluff but whatever. Sooo what'c think of it good,bad? let me know in the comments.

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