The Selection

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Ronan hated how his mother was all worked up. He'd worked himself into an agreement that this was the last place, the last meeting, he'd have to select someone or they'd choose someone else from the family to rule. Ronan didn't have much in the way of cousins or any siblings, but the thought of what was rightfully his being signed away to someone else who didn't deserve it made his blood boil.

As much as he hated vanity and people who only cared about themselves, he's never liked sharing.

"Aren't you excited?" Estella asked, straightening little parts of his clothing and making sure he looked his absolute best.

"Ecstatic." Ronan deadpanned.

"Ronan, sweetheart, stop scowling so much. You look harsh," Estella held her son's face in her hands. He hated how much he looked like her. He wished he looked more like his father instead of a carbon copy of his mother.

He scoffed and pushed away. If she was the Stoic Queen, then he would more than likely follow suit as the Stoic King. He silently wished the people would give him a better name. It currently was the Lonely Prince because of how many people he'd turned down. Many people speculated he'd rather spend his life alone with no one to share it with. Little did they know, they were more than correct.

"Remind me why exactly you're coming with me?" Ronan asked. Estella had insisted she and Augustine accompany him when he went to make his decision. Little did they know, he had a plan up his sleeve- 

Ronan was going to choose the girl that was least likely to be queen and most likely to disappoint his parents.

It was a perfect plan. Once he'd used her to prove he's better off without a wife, they'll have to send her away and he'll have everything all to himself. And surely, once he's got her in his possession with a moment of being alone (his parents can assume reasons why however the hell they want), he'll clue her in to what he's doing. It was practically foolproof, the only thing he had to be cautious of was making sure his 'bride' didn't want to stay. Ronan was sure to make her miserable so she had no other choice but to leave.

It was, like all other things about him, perfect.


"This is so dumb," Lilia huffed, tugging at her new uniform. Unlike previous years when a girl was being chosen to go home, the girls all now had to wear a white uniform. Lilia remembered someone saying white meant something like 'purity' and 'cleanliness.' 'There's nothing pure or clean about this place. It's as filthy as a rat's arse.'

For this year like every year before, Lilia planned to act as she always had for these events- as unladylike as possible. So far she's had innumerable success (with their respective punishments of course), so she rested assured in her skills.

"Oh relax," Jessica said cattily. "The prince will chose me of course. I can't see why anyone would want you at all." 

"Good. I hope he doesn't." Lilia said bluntly. "I don't need a stupid title and unlimited money to get out of here anyway."

"Isn't that what you said before you tried to run away?" Jessica sneered. "Not to mention the times you climbed out of your windows or tried to sneak away that one time three years ago when that man adopted twelve of us, or what about-"

"Thank you Jessica, I think we get it." Rachel interrupted. "And, if you think about it, I don't believe the prince would be able to tolerate you for more than thirty seconds with that attitude."

"Just you wait! You'll see," While Jessica was a very pretty girl, she had the meanest bite of all. She was a known tattle tale and a snitch, always getting others in trouble if she could help it. She was one of the favorites and Lilia despised her.

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