After being immersed in such thoughts, Liu Xian Fei turned to the palace maid behind the screen. "Let him enter," she commanded.

The maidservant hastened to relay the message, and Gong Jue made his way in.

He had only reached the entrance hall, but he couldn't help but admire its intricate architecture. Gong Jue was once again reminded of his mother. Every time she received gifts from the emperor, she would lock up and store away such items for safekeeping. She was different from Liu Xian Fei, who preferred to put her treasures on display.

Gong Jue reluctantly but politely greeted Liu Xian Fei with a ceremony. He could only see her outline seated on a dais behind a screen, but her pearl and jade ornaments gleamed faintly through the barrier. The proud concubine looked down from her seat and coldly gazed upon Gong Jue with disgust.

"I don't know why you have come to my palace. What is your purpose?"

Gong Jue gathered himself. "Earlier today after class, the Sixth Prince mentioned something to me, but I could not understand his meaning. I came here to inquire."

Gong Jue was worried. He cared deeply about what Gong Yi Mo had thought of him. He wouldn't be able to stand it if she ever turned her back on him.

"Oooh?" She drew out her word with false concern. "And what did the Sixth Prince say to you?"

His lips were tight and he said in a low voice, "I have a deep relationship with Sister Gong. I am curious as to why Sixth Brother would claim that she would be disgusted with me in the future. I-I wanted to know for what reason, so I've come to you to ask."

Liu Xian Fei's lip curled. "What a good brother you are..."

The woman behind the screen shifted her position. After a pause she asked, "I wonder if you remember your mother?"

"Of course I remember her."

His eyes flickered as he looked at the screen. Gong Jue didn't know why she would mention his mother at such an unusual time.

"Well then, do you know-" a glint flashed in Liu Xian Fei's eyes and she laughed more enchantingly "-why your mother died?"

Gong Jue held his silence. He knew that she was the one who accused his mother of being a criminal, worsening her illness and leading to her death.

Hearing his silence, Liu Xian Fei tittered. "Do you blame me for your mother's death?"

Gong Jue's face tensed and he lightly said, "I did not."

Another peal of laughter floated from behind the screen. The woman smiled sweetly and said, "What if I tell you that I personally poisoned your mother!"

Gong Jue felt as if his blood turned to ice. He could no longer keep calm. His face twisted in anger. He could not think of a reason for her to lie! How could he possibly hold back his hatred?

Liu Xian Fei waved her hand, and a palace servant went forth to push aside the screen, revealing an intricately dressed woman who leaned on a gold-rimmed, Nanmu wood chair. For the first time he saw her poisonously sweet smile.

Even after her confession, her face showed no traces of shame or guilt. Her chin was lifted as she gazed down at him. Such a woman, surrounded with treasures and luxuries, was completely different from his own mother; their nature was as opposite as heaven and earth. Gong Jue couldn't keep the words in. "Why did you kill her? "

He pushed down his anger, fearing that he would make a move that could bring danger to Gong Yi Mo. However, his desire to seek revenge for his mother was something he could not ignore. If Li Ching Hua had never died, he would not be in this situation.

When Liu Xianfei saw that he was able to restrain his anger, her eyes flashed with a hint of displeasure.

"This Concubine is indeed responsible for the death of your mother, but did you know that it was done according to someone else's orders?" She smiled even more enchantingly at Gong Jue. "Who do you think in this world has the power to command me to do such a thing?"

Gong Jue trembled in shock and stared at Liu Xian Fei in disbelief. Who else could have done it? Only the emperor himself!

"Impossible! For what reason?!"

Gong Jue could not believe it! His mother had truly loved the emperor. When his father smiled, she was even happier, and when his father was in a bad mood, she felt even more anxious on his behalf. Why would he want to kill a woman who loved him so wholeheartedly?!

Liu Xian Fei' voice suddenly turned cold. "You ask why he ordered her death? Naturally he did it on behalf of Gong Yi Mo's mother, Xue Rong!" Liu Xian Fei's beautiful face was twisted in deep hatred, as if the mere mention of Xue Rong's name from her lips was extremely distasteful. She glared at Gong Jue coldly, and even her mischievous smile had completely disappeared.

Rebirth of the Tyrant's Pet: Regent Prince is too FierceWhere stories live. Discover now