Chapter 18

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Gong Jue's eyes were bleeding from hatred!

At this time, he was already near death's door. Gong Jue gave Chang Xi a piercing glare; his anger and reluctance had almost drowned him to death.

So this is how the magnanimous Father Emperor runs his kingdom. While he is joyfully celebrating the birth of a newborn prince, to another son he threatens to give the death penalty. Heaven sure is ruthless and fickle!

In that case, why did Gong Jue have to come all the way here himself? What a joke!

As clear sound of festive music floated in the air, the boy closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there was no trace of pain, only a murderous intent! Even if he dies! He must see the Emperor!

He refuses to believe that the emperor would suffer the murder of his children right under his nose!

Chang Xi did not expect Gong Jue to still have strength at this time. He himself was a martial artist, and was a grand master in Great Tang. How could he not see that Gong Jue was already at the end of his strength? Suddenly he noticed the prince drawing up his sword for battle.

"Your Highness, you cannot rival this servant. Please turn back!"

But the imperial prince had already fallen in a kind of dreamlike trance; he couldn't hear the eunuch's warning! There was only one thought left in the ragged boy's mind: Kill! As long as he killed enough people, the emperor would naturally come to see him! Even if it comes down to killing the emperor himself!

The Wind and Nature was originally a peaceful martial arts. However, the more Gong Jue used them, the more murderous they became! Dull pain pierced his limbs; His vision was hazy, not knowing whether it was obscured by rain or blood. The sword in his hand seemed to grow heavier; each swing was like a mountain. At this time his heart felt empty. It seemed to be missing a piece.

He is really useless; he doesn't want to drag down his sister, but in the end he's still a burden! If he can't even accomplish the simple task of getting backup, does he still have face to stay by Sister Gong's side?

This time he was shielded by sister Gong to escape. But what about next time? Will there even be a next time? In the future, if Gong Yi once again faces a crisis because of his weakness, Gong Jue will never forgive himself! How can I become stronger?

He wants to be much stronger! He has someone to protect!

As if triggered by his resolve, a sliver of air entered into the boy's dantian causing the his whole body to relax. Unexpectedly, in such a dire moment, Gong Jue achieved a breakthrough in cultivation!

The prince launched an attack, and Chang Xi gave a strange squeal as he attempted to dodge. Surprisingly, the boy landed a blow and stabbed his arm!

He was astounded. For the past ten years, Chang Xi had never been wounded in a fight; he had almost forgotten what it's like to feel pain.

Gong Jue was not satisfied with stabbing his opponent. What he has to do is to kill this enemy!

At this time, a strong laughter came. Chang Xi immediately blocked Jue's attack then retreated ten meters. He turned around and bowed, shouting, "Greetings Your Majesty!"

His Majesty, Father Emperor?

Gong Jue suddenly felt an emptiness in his heart.....

Celebratory music rang; Zhaoyang Temple's palace door was wide open, allowing festive music to float in the air. At this time Gong Jue collapsed, almost kneeling. He forced himself to look up, and saw numerous lanterns flashing dazzling lights near and far. In the distance approached shadows; there was a group of well dressed men nearing him. At it's head was a man who gave the longest strides; he was clearly wearing a crown. The man's stature was draped with golden robes which glittered under the lights!

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