chapter 5

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I sat in Oakley's studio listening to him record a new song, it was good, it would be better if there was a few vocals.

He came out and sat down next to me.

"Thoughts, I know you have some, so go on" he said

"It needs Vocals, you know Dave's song in the fire, that song is bomb because it has a few vocals here and there" I said

"Show me how it's done then" he said

I smiled at him and got up and went in the studio, the song was called 'mrs' so I added some humming, some oohs and ahhs and then I recorded a part where I was just singing.

I finished then i came out of the studio and sat back down on the sofa and smiled at Oakley.

"Alright you need to make an actual song because i won't let that talent of yours be ignored" he said

"Well we'll talk about it another time because right now, I wanna go out and I look pretty" I said

"You look fit" he said

"You look fit if I'm being honest" I said

"Being confident are we Danielle" he said

"Yes Oakley" I said

"I'll order us a cab and we'll meet afew people there" he said and I nodded my head

In about ten minutes we were at the club, we were in a corner of it aka the vip section.

Me drinking a raspberry vodka with a mixer.

Oakley drinking beer.

Niko drinking beer.

And the rest of the beta were at the bar getting us shots.

"So you two, what's going on" Niko asked

"Well I was thinking why don't we all go on like a holiday, me,you, angel and if you guys want to come you can come aswell" Oakley said

"Honestly that is one of the best ideas you've ever had " I laughed

The rest of them came back and set down a tray of shots. For the rest of the night we went round to different clubs trying different drinks and dancing.

Me and Oakley came back to his house.

"You wanna sleep in my room?"he said

"No funny business, we have to pick up angel in the morning from my mum's" I said

"Your mum hates me"he groaned

"It's my dad who doesn't like you" I said

"Oh god"he said laughing

"Don't worry, your my baby's daddy, they have to atleast tolerate you" I said

"Shut up" he said laughing

"Night oaks" I said

"Night Dani" he said

During the night I felt Oakley's arms wrap around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He put his face in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself and I felt him smile into my neck.

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