There were all venomous, and none of them were easy to handle especially the Spiky Helminth. It gave Yi Yeyu goosebumps when she looked at it.

The Crimson-Eyed Scorpion was more than five meters long with a crystal clear body. Its eyes and tail were bloody red like a precious stone. It was not ugly but rather, it looked like an exquisite art piece. However, it would naturally be difficult to place this monster at home as an art piece. The Crimson-Eyed Scorpion would be at the gold flame-level one it became an adult and was extremely fast and venomous. Immortal-level humans who were at a low rank would not dare offend it. The venom stored in its tail could kill an immortal-level rank-3 human.

The Violethaze Spider had long legs and a purple, venomous haze surrounding it. Humans that was below immortal-level might die from just breathing in the haze. Besides, as its fangs and legs were surrounded in a venomous haze all year round, the venom would be able to kill humans that were below immortal-level rank-2. The Violethaze Spider could also release a venom that could penetrate the pores on any creature. Within seconds, the venom-contaminated area would decay, bones and all. That was the reason why even an immortal-level human would not want to offend it.

Meanwhile, the Spiky Helminth was a worm-like monster that was seven to eight meters long with colorful thorns on it. This monster had up to thousands of different venoms in its thorns. Once one came into contact, it would almost be incurable as the venom was a combination of an entire range of venoms. Although it moved slow and weak in attack, it was tough to handle. Aside from its venomous thorns, it could divide its body hundreds of times once it was separated. It would be hard to handle especially in the limited space that they had.

Lastly was the Scavenger Horseshoe that was almost 10 meters long. It fed on carcasses and minerals of all sorts. Consuming minerals would change its body differently. Consuming sufficient elemental minerals would give it elemental strength while consuming sufficient metallic minerals would give it an extraordinary defensive ability. It applied to other minerals where it would be able to obtain various abilities from consuming different minerals.

The Scavenger Horseshoe they were looking at must had consumed metallic minerals which caused it to look a darker shade of silver. Its defensive ability must be terrifying. Naturally, it was venomous as well. As soon as one was bitten, one would die from the decay that would happen on one’s body. As Lin Huang looked at the four monsters, he knew that it would be a tough battle for Yi Zheng and Leng Yuexin.

“Lancelot, be ready to help.” Lin Huang spoke to Lancelot telepathically. The four monster were venomous and would spell trouble for the duo so Lin Huang got Lancelot to back them up.

Chapter 582: Powerful Elemental Enlightenment

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Zheng was fighting the Violethaze Spider and Scavenger Horseshoe Crab and they were tough. One excelled at mid-distance attacks while the other excelled at long-distance attacks. The dark silver Scavenger Horseshoe Crab had terrifying defensive abilities. Yi Zheng could not break its defenses with his normal attack, all he could do was to leave white trails on the monster’s back. Although using a powerful sword skill on the Scavenger Horseshoe Crab would work, it had a powerful healing ability that had an effect not unlike Enhanced Regeneration. Flesh would grow out from the wounds and it would be completely healed in mere seconds.

On the other hand, the Violethaze Spider would concurrently attack in a random manner. It spat venom and spider webs occasionally but it remained at a distance as it attacked, seemingly realizing how powerful Yi Zheng was. Although it had a venomous haze surrounding it, it remained careful and did not dare to go near Yi Zheng as it attacked. As he was fighting the Scavenger Horseshoe Crab, Yi Zheng did not have the time to fight the Violethaze Spider. Fortunately, both monsters did not overpower him, making the battle seem like a stalemate.

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