Chapter 11

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The phone buzzes and once again Jennie hits the ignore button. 

It's been over two weeks since she left Daegu. Like clockwork, everyday around this time she gets a call or message from Taehyung. 

She will give him credit, he does not give up, but she just couldn't find it in herself to answer his call.

She was definitely not in the right space of mind to talk to anyone right now. Even though she has been carrying out her schedules, she hasn't really spoken to anyone since that night.

She had even withdrawn from her members, and had instead moved back into her apartment at the UN village. She knows they are worried about her but luckily they are giving her the space she prefers to have.

Jennie knows that allowing herself to get sucked back into this depression is the worst thing she can do. She had spent most of the teen years and early twenties healing and becoming this strong woman and after just one night she found herself back where she started. 

The nightmares, the feeling of worthlessness, the dirty self image. Now when she looks at herself in the mirror all she sees is a woman who has no values and no shame. She really is everything that man once told her she was. 

She was wrong for thinking in this way. It wasn't normal. Her reaction to all of this was not normal. She was broken… She had been broken for a long time and she realizes now that she had just been really good at pretending.

She just needed to get away and get her head on straight, for the last week she has been fighting her hardest not to fall back into a deep depression 

Work was the one thing powerful enough to distract her mind, to make her forget her heartache, to stop Jennie from replaying the same conversation over and over

While the investors' Gala was not something she would usually enjoy, all those old snobs throwing their money around, but on this night this might be exactly what she needed. 

Jennie walked into the hotel that hosted the event and looked around in awe. She had to give it to this year's hosting company, they knew how to throw a good party.

She looked around for anyone she might know as not only her friends from YG are usually present but many times some of the other big companies were invited as well, 

This was an investors gala so a lot of SM and JYP artists were also required to attend to help promote their companies investments and bring in sponsorships.

This was also one of the very few times in the year where you are able to witness the Ceo's of all the Big entertainment companies in the same place. All networking to attract investors, some might even go as far as to use their idols to do that. She is thankful that YG is not one of those companies, although their Ceo does like to show off his accomplishments, hence Jennie's presence tonight. 

Not even a minute into the party she has already been swept around the room, chatting with the old men and women with deep pockets. 

"So I heard that Blackpink will be undertaking a large-scale world tour soon." One of their current Shareholders says with dollar signs in his eyes, already knowing the impact her groups activities has on the YG stock prices.

"Yes, we will be doing a few stadium concerts amongst them." Jennie says looking around for a way to escape. 

"Good, keep up the good work." The older man says, eyeing Jennie in an uncomfortable way. She smiles tightly at him and continues her search of the room. 

She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees the very person she was seeking out. "Will you please excuse me?" She says not even looking at him as she walks away. 

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