Chapter 6

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Something crashes into the wall behind her and she looks at him in worry. As much as she wants to be done with this conversation, she still doesn't want him to hurt himself

"All this time you have been fucking playing me."

It was 1am, and she was standing uncomfortably in Jiyong's brightly lit apartment at the UN village. 

"Oppa calm down before someone gets hurt." She couldn't stifle her worry as he punched the wall.

"I don't want to hurt you dammit!!! All I have ever wanted was for you to try. You never gave a shit about our relationship."

"That's ridiculous." Even as she says it, part of her wonders if it really is.

"Why have you been wasting my time huh? I could have said it was actually worth it if you put out, but I didn't even get that from this mess."

"Why does everything alway go back to this?"

"Because you have been playing this innocent girl this entire time when we both know you are far from that."

It was then that her instincts rose above the shocked fog in her mind. They pounded on her ribcage, screamed at her to leave. 

"Excuse me?" This was not a safe place for her to be in mentally. The fraying grip on her own nerves and temper today were in no shape for the mood in this room. The look in Jiyong's eyes was one of the most dangerous things she had seen in a long time.

"You know I'm right, you expect me to believe you are some sort of virgin Mary? Let's be honest with each other, it was never about you not being ready. You just didn't want to be with Me in that way. So you made up these lies."

"I pity you oppa, you have the world at your feet yet you are still so insecure about your place in life. I've never lied to you but you are right to some extent I suppose… I may not be ready, but part of the reason is you. I don't think you are the person I should be sharing this with. We are just not right for eachother and If I gave in and did it, I would only have regrets."

"You have been playing me this entire time. You pretended you wanted to be with me but when you realized that I was no longer at the top of the food chain you gave up on us.  You just continue to string me along." he said silkily, his face changing in one swift beat, into a blankly calm smile that scared her even more than his anger. She hesitated. His eyes were shining with something cruel. He was goading her, daring her to run away.

"—You are a little girl. Naive and blind and irritating," he turned scathing eyes on her and the knot of anxiety in her stomach finally broke free.

"Naive?" she asked quietly, "And why exactly am I so naive, oppa? Am I naive for not wanting the great G Dragon? What 'game' am I playing exactly?"

That thick, suffocating stillness filled the air again. Jennie felt as though she might drown in it. It was hard to breathe.

Jiyong was shaking his head, his gaze fixed murderously on the wall behind her. "You're a Tease Jennie, and when things go sideways you act like you were a victim when we both know you deserved it" he said dryly, and to her immense panic, she couldn't gauge the emotion behind his words; behind his eyes. Did he know the truth?

Jennie reeled backwards as if she had been slapped. There was a ringing in her ears, and a voice in her head shouting at her to leave, to go, that this had become an actual dangerous situation. 

Her and Jiyong argued nearly all the time, but never, never had the air between them been quite so serious, so deadly. Their banter was usually born from a place of frustration. But this was much more ugly. The air crackled with unpredictability.

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