One Halloween Love

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NZ TIME: 1:57pm
STARTED: 29/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
FINISHED: 01/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

A/N: This is YOUR POV AU of TMNT, where you meet ONE of the Turtles (of your choice).
    THIS IS A 'YOUR CHOICE STORY' MEANING YOU CAN CHOOSE WHO YOU ARE WITH (+ whichever version of Turtle you want.. mostly towards 2003 or 2012 TV Shows) AND WHO'S TOP/BOTTOM...

Y/N - Your Name           Y/N/N - Your Nick Name
T/N - Turtle's Name    T/N/N - Turtle's Nick Name

Your POV:
I was on the way home from a friends Halloween Party. Some did offer me a ride home since it's now night and my place was some distance, but I reassured them that I would be fine.
        However, there was a problem........

As I continued walking, a car seemed to have been following me since I left the party. But this was no ordinary car.... Oh no, I am too familiar with this one! "You know that it's pointless to keep trying!" I yelled, folding my arms while turning to face the driver of that said car. The driver pulled up to me while having the passenger window down.
"Oh, come on babe! Can't you at less give me the chance to prove that I can make you happy?"
"NO!" I bluntly replied back with no hesitation. Their constant presents and pleading with That ONE topic, is really gonna make me regret something... and that something is eradicating a pest, PERMANENTLY!

"Come on babe! I'll make you feel soo good in betwe-"
"-DON'T you DARE finish THAT DISGUSTING SENTENCE!!!" I screamed at them.
"But ba-aby..." They whined.
'Guurrrrr! CAN'T THIS IDIOT TAKE A HINT!?' I screamed in my thoughts, before turning and continued walking away.
"Hehe so feisty.... hmm, that's what I love about you!" OH HECK NA.... that idiot has now got out of their car and started following me. I really need to get onto that retraining order for that obsessive brat, I swear they could be considered as a yandere at this point. Knowing too well how the spoiled rich brat is like, I turned down a well known alleyway where the Purple Dragons mostly like to hang out. "Babe, wait... That's where that Purple Dragon group like to be. Come back!" I smirked, knowing that the brat is too chicken to come down this way.
"Oh really...? Well you better head home before your mummy and daddy get worried!" I replied while continuing to walk further in. This, this is the reason I never like that brat... too much of a wimp that when the going gets too tough, the brat starts crying.

"Well what do we have here?" And here it comes...
"And they even got a rich friend behind them!" A group suddenly emerged from the shadows of the alleyway. They have me surrounded, while some start going after that obsessive leach... who suddenly ran back to their car and drove away.
"Well it looks like it's just you and us... although I would prefer it if you joined me in bed." Well, as they say.... Out of the pot and into the frying pan! Oh well, at lest I can get to punch something.

Suddenly some of my opponents were mysteriously on the ground. As we all looked at them, some more were also on the ground... causing the last few to suddenly panic. "Oi idiots....!" I smirked as the words left my mouth. Taking this mysterious opportunity I was given, I quickly took down the rest. "...Hehe, don't forget the opponent in front of you!" I continued. "I know you're still there, you can come out!" Unfortunately they never moved into the light. "Dude, ya not fooling me... besides, how can I thank you if your just going to remain hidden?"
"It would be best if I didn't..." My life, his voice.
"Dude! Just hearing ya voice now makes me wanna meet ya!" Wow, good job.... I might as well where a sign saying 'Creep' "Just come out!"

There was a long pause, most likely really thinking about his choice. "Alright, but I know how this will end!" Wow, really? He knows how this will end, what the heck is he thinking? That I would, what...... run a way screaming 'Monster!' or somethi- He emerged into the light, enough for me to see. "Du-ude... That's one hot- awesome, Halloween Costume..." I coughed, trying to cover up my mistake... terribly. He chuckled but I could tell that he was nervous. However, the more closer I looked at him.... the more I realised that this was how he really looks like. "Oh right, my name is Y/N but you can call me Y/N/N. How about you?" I started, hoping that if he gets used to us talking... he would feel more comfortable, I hope.
"T/N but my family calls me T/N/N."

We talked for a little while, only to suddenly be cut from the moans and groans of the forgotten Purple Dragons... ops!?
Na, I just punched them out again before we moved away from the alleyway onto the rooftops. As we got to know more about each other, we fond out that we had quite a few things in common.... one of them, knowing how to defend/fight. We both exchanged our numbers and headed back to our homes.... well, after he escorted me back home and I admitted to him that I'll keep his identity a secret.

Without us knowing..... this was the start of what would be more than just friendship

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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