United States of America, Part 1

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Everything was so different. Everything looked and smelled different. The roads, cars, and stores were all so big. A Starbucks around every corner and so, so many people.

You had just got off a night shift when your father put you on a plane to Los Angeles, USA. It was your first time out of Europe and he sent you on a business trip. It was supposed to be just you but you somehow managed to drag your girlfriend Ingrid with you. If not for her present you would have put up more of a fight over this trip.

Now you were standing just outside the airport doors. Observing the people coming and going while waiting for a taxi. The 15 hours of travel time had given you the time to lay a plan. To make this a successful trip.

The information given to you by your father told you David Olsen was the man interested in signing a deal. After some research, you concluded he was most likely the father of your all-time celebrity crush, Elizabeth Olsen. Her full name along with her sisters and brother were listed as potential future clients.

You also discovered that Elizabeth Olsen along, with some of the Marvel cast, was doing a Q&A panel just 30 minutes from the airport. This made the perfect opportunity for her to answer some of the questions your father did not bother answering. Like how you should greet him, if you should bring a gift, or why on earth this random American was interested in doing business with your family.

What he did however mention was that he strongly preferred you attempted to seduce Mr. Olsen, despite him being almost 70 years old and let's not forget a man.

Your parents had made it painfully clear that your sexuality was the greatest disappointment you could ever present them with. They sent you to a conversion camp at age 16. You realized you would have to live in the closet for the time being.

Your family was well known in Sweden, something that made it impossible for you to leave your post as the future CEO. Your parents also had very high expectations of you. As the oldest of 4, you wanted to shield your sibling from the pressure and expectations you had to live with. 

Being completely lost in thought you had not realized you had arrived at the location of the panel. Being brought out of your haze by your girlfriend.

"Babe we are here," Ingrid said, bringing you out of your thoughts with a gentle nudge.

"Ahhhh, sorry. I'll get the bags you pay. Use this." You said handing her the company card your father had given to you. He had been very clear that you were to spend as much money as possible seeing as everything would be tax deductible as long as it happened during a business trip. Such a sweet man, not.

She nodded and you climbed out of the cab, unloading all your bags from the trunk and placing them safely on the sidewalk.

"Y/N, we should find some security or something to watch over our bags. I don't want to drag them with me everywhere." Ingrid said walking up the entrance stairs, making you smile. To a lot of people, her leaving you to carry all your bags by yourself may seem selfish and rude. However, you didn't mind one bit. You loved her, and getting to treat her like a princess every day was something you truly cherished. Especially being able to do it in public, somewhere your last name would bring you no extra attention and not a front page in the newspapers.

"Good idea. Go see if you could find a security guard inside." You said and watched her nod and walk inside.

You were quite grateful now that the trip was last minute, seeing as bout you and Ingrid would have packed way more if you had the time. Therefore carrying the two suitcases and a backpack up the small flight of stairs was no trouble.

Before you knew it you were walking off, leaving the suitcases with a security guard in a quiet corner.

"What are you going to ask?" Ingrid asked whilst you navigated your way through the crowd.

"I was thinking of asking about alcohol. You know I really want to drink at this thing but if Mr. Olsen is a wine guy I'd like to know, so I can stir him in the right direction."I said with a smirk.

"And what do you hope she will tell you, bailies?" Ingrid bumped into you smiling knowingly.

"If he pulls out the bailies I'll leave and drag you with me. You should not have to drink such garbage." You said taking her hand and dragging her with you towards the sign for the QnA. " come on, this way"

"Alright, alright" She chuckled, letting you drag her with you.

The first thing you saw was the very well light stage with the Marvel cast sitting in chairs. It took a second before you could properly focus on their faces. Your eyes were immediately drawn to her, her hair, her suit, her lips, and most beautiful of all her forest green eyes. It was as if time stopped and honestly you would not mind staring at the beautiful woman for the rest of my life.

I was rudely brought out of my daydream when your long-forgotten girlfri... . No, I should not say that I love Ingrid. Your lovely girlfriend smacked the back of my head.

"What the fuck Y/n?" Ingrid said angrily glaring at you so hard it felt like your soul was getting judged.

"Sorry," You said lowly as you found yourself a bit embarrassed and ashamed of my behavior. You always prided yourself on being a loyal and honest person. But you may not be able to say that anymore. She's just so beautiful.

Ingrid sat down in one of the available seats in the back while you went to stand in the line for questions. Even from afar, you could feel her anger. You tried your best to move up the line without glancing at the woman who made you forget you even had a girlfriend.

It was very difficult though, you kept wanting to see those mesmerizing green eyes that put all others to shame. However, you remember that she was in fact happily married to a man. And you were way too young and the wrong gender for her.

Being stuck thinking about this, it felt like it hardly took a minute before you were at the front of the line.

"Hello, what is your question?" The moderator asked as I stepped up to the microphone.

"Hello, my question is for Miss Olsen" you nervously and with your Swedish accent slipped through a little.

The words that came next could only be described as life-changing. Because when the most angelic voice spoke, your stomach did a little flip.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

Elizabeth's outfit:

Elizabeth's outfit:

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