Not a word from my sister in weeks. Even while I was in the mortal realm I waited for a text or a call or any sign that she was alive. When I returned to Elphame, I knew that technology didn't work the same here, but I figured she would have been able to send me a message somehow. Brighid could be a bitch to people but she was a well-connected bitch. People either owed her favors or were terrified of her. She could've gotten a message to me if she were trying.

Her silence only left two options: she didn't want to send me a message or she couldn't. I wasn't sure which option I preferred. If Brighid returned, the weight of the crown would no longer be mine.

Regin was chasing down a few leads, but I'd yet to hear if any of those had resulted in any new information.

"I might have a way to find her," Freya said, gaining confidence in her plan the more she spoke, "Cedric found a couple of her hiding spots during his time searching for her. She left behind something that would help us."


"The mirror of Badhbh Catha."

I stared at her. "Bless you?"

Freya nodded solemnly. "Thank you. Many blessings to you in return."

A laugh bubbled up on my lips and I resisted the urge to try and explain that I was making a joke, but figured it was a waste of time.

"What is that? The mirror of whoever?"

Freya rolled her eyes. "Badhbh Catha," I still had no idea what she was saying but I let her continue. "She was an old goddess of war to the Gaelic people in the mortal realm. At least, that's what they believed. She was just a bored fey woman with black wings. She used to travel to the mortal realm whenever there were great battles to fight with whichever side interested her the most. She, with the help of a witch and a blacksmith, created the mirror as a way to confuse whatever army she faced."

"They'd get scared of their own reflection?"

Freya winced. "Not exactly. See the mirror was both cursed and blessed. It could show you the people you loved, wherever they were at that moment... but only if they were dying or soon to die."

"So all of the soldiers she wanted to confuse..."

"They either saw the faces of their comrades or some other loved one inches from death."

I blanched, staring at her. That was the same mirror that I'd retrieved for Brighid. She must have wanted it when she was searching for Oliver, her son. She must have known the type of injuries he had and the way the mirror worked.

My head felt dizzy. Just another mystical and powerful object that had been collecting dust in my basement.

"Somebody should have really told me what was in that closet. I would've protected the key a whole lot better."

Freya didn't ask me what I meant, I assumed she either knew or could guess what I was referencing. All of these stories I was learning of historical fey and they all ended up with their magical objects stored underneath the Summer Court. My domain.

Vaguely, I wondered what else was in that room. If Cenred still had the key he was able to get into that room. But why would he? He already had what he wanted. He could take the rest when he conquered my kingdom.

"You want to use the mirror to find Brighid?"

"That's the part I didn't think you would like to hear."

I scoffed, drily. There was no humor in my voice just a grating kind of sarcasm. "What? The fact that one of the only surefire ways to find my sister is if she's nearly dying?"

"Er yes."

"She was nearly dying the last time I saw her, though that was due to the curse Cenred placed on her. I see no reason why your plan wouldn't work."

"If it doesn't show her to us, at least you'll know—"

"I'll know she's either not an inch from death or she's already dead?"

"Uh yes."

Her awkward responses almost made me want to laugh for real. She was so composed and yet my blunt questions seemed to rattle her. Something about what she said earlier confused me.

"What part of that plan is dangerous? Use the mirror, see where Brighid is... that part of the plan seems easy enough to me."

Freya nodded, her confidence returning and her eyes sparking. She looked so much like Ellie at that moment, as if she were about to embark on some mischievous plan that would get us both into trouble. It was the kind of look that made Ellie my best friend. The kind of look that told me I better hold on.

"Brighid didn't exactly leave the mirror in an easy spot for us to find. Cedric found its location through her hiding spots, but he couldn't get to the mirror."

"Why not?"

A dark, foreboding feeling settled itself into my stomach as I waited for her to explain. Freya's dark brows furrowed and the pale blue under her skin seemed to darken with every second that passed. Even her aura which had mostly been muted and pastel, grew stormier.

Eventually, she sighed and clapped her hands together.

"Well, have you ever met a vampire?"

Oop, is it time to get sparkly?

Thanks for reading!

Stay safe and be kind, my friends.

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