Of course, a batch of epidemic prevention materials were also paid as freight.

People who are quarantined and migrated can carry limited things with them. If you want to take away the hoarding at home, you can only take the official logistics channel, because the materials also need to be disinfected and tested before they can be shipped to Beishan District.

Since we take logistics, of course, we need to pay some freight on a pro rata basis.

In addition to hoarding at home that need to be transported, those bosses who hoard too much also need to transport. The more things they need to be transported, the higher the cost to be paid.

When Jiang Yu hoarded goods, he put all the goods on the farm. If it had been put on the urban area, now if he wants to ship it out, he has to be picked up.

When Tang Xue came back from work, she saw a corner of the room, piled into cartons and packaging bags from the hill. Fortunately, she was the best and largest type of room in the farm hotel, otherwise the supplies would not be loaded now.

Tang Xue tidyed out all the supplies and picked out all the oil, rice, noodles, seasonings and some dry goods. Since Tang Xue was transferred to Beishan District, Tang's parents have rarely opened fire at home and basically eat it at work, so there is still a lot of food and seasoning left at home.

There was no frozen food in the materials sent. Tang Xue cleaned the refrigerator before she left, and the frozen ingredients in the refrigerator were basically cooked by her and put in the space.

Grain, oil seasonings and dry goods are delivered directly to the hotel kitchen. Anyway, they eat a large pot of rice on the farm. She took two more cans of milk powder out to her sister-in-law Tian Tian and asked her to wash them to the three children.

Tian Tian took the milk powder and looked at it. The 4-stage milk powder is suitable for children aged 3-6.

"Why do you still hoard this?"

Tang Xue paused and couldn't say that it was picked up. He could only say, "At that time, I went to the supermarket to snap up the purchase. I didn't see anything at all. I just scanned it into the shopping cart. I saw the shelf life. It's two years, and it hasn't expired yet. Don't worry."

Everything is packed in boxes and bags, and you can't see what's in it, so no matter what she takes out, as long as the weight is not too much, no one will doubt it.

So she quietly added a little to the grain and oil.


Today, it's Geng Ping's turn to go to the farm to fetch water. He walked to the farm with a bundle of dry wood on his back, a kettle in his hand, and a military song in his mouth. When his comrades-in-arms who went to the farm with him saw his brisk pace and smiled, he couldn't help asking, "Are you in such a good mood?"

"That's right. I finally have a chance to come out. Can you be unhappy?"

When he got to the gate of the farm and rang the doorbell, someone immediately opened the door.

The two first sent firewood to a special place for firewood, and then carried an empty kettle to the kitchen. Usually, Aunt Li would directly replace it with a kettle full of water.

"Oh, you're coming. Come on, have a cup of iced plum soup."

Aunt Li poured a large glass for each of them.

"Someday, you can take a pot when you leave. This is just brewed with sour plum powder today."

Tang Xue also took out the sour plum noodles, so that the kitchen brewed a large pot every day for everyone to drink. There will be more hot and sweaty weather. After work, have a cup of iced sour plum soup, and you will be as happy as a fairy.

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