"I want to live here. I want to be here. I don't want to leave."

This is their proof.

Their home wants to stay and so he's here to stay. A lot of people within the room would even fight Gods, damn with the balance.

The man in front of them already suffered enough, fought enough, bled enough, maybe the use of the word enough is wrong cause what he did to save their world from despair is actually too much.

Way too much.

"I'm not angry because I have nothing that I lost because of that deal. I accepted my fate because I actually gained a lot, I now have everything I wish I have when I was younger and a lot more."

Lee Soo Hyuk does not know much about his dongsaeng's childhood, but what he just said implied that it wasn't really pretty.

Choi Han, who is one of the few who entered the Temple of the Sealed God and face 5 test, remembers the target of his indignity, the young Kim Rok Soo. He remembered the clues and everything that it takes for him to complete that test. It sickens him. It hurts. It hurts to even think that the person who saved him out of his despair experienced such cruel things at such a young age. Abundance of food? He can't help but think that he's being denied of food and the fact that it's actually the truth makes his blood boils.

"I fight because I have something to protect, I carry this burdens and responsibilities because I can handle them and I know that I can push through."

'Something to protect'

Raon remembers what his Mommy said not a long time ago. He remembered that his Mommy becomes the strongest when she have something to protect. He then remembered the warmth of his Human's hug when they faced the White Star for the very first time. He remembered the warmth of his Human's hug when he's undergoing his first growth stage. He remembers how his Human's hand glides over his scales while he watch Venion sing wonderful melodies under the Kind Beacrox's whips. Raon remembered many more situations showcasing his Human's warmth.

The way he defend Good girl Mary against the Pope of the Church of the Sun God back at Castle Leona. The way he stands back and watch how Lemonade Gramps and Kind Beacrox take back what was theirs. The soft and kind looks he sends in their family's way when he thought no one is looking.

He remembered and he's delighted by the fact that his Human thinks that they are important enough to want to protect and stay for.


"I forgive the man who now lives as Kim Rok Soo because he sacrifice his life to a man he doesn't even know, he sacrifice himself to save a world that crashed before him and he trusted a stranger to protect his family."

'Hyung-nim cares? For us? For our family?'

Basen feels warmth flow in his very being. The thought that both his older brothers loved and loves them even if they don't share the same blood.

Violan feels dejected. To think that she misunderstood the previous Cale. She thought that setting boundaries would help him adjust, well she thought wrong. She should've tried harder, she should've done better.

But now, her oldest is gone and she didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.

Does she even have the right in the first place?

"That man is a stranger that I can't hate because that man is a man who just wished to protect what's precious to him but is lacking in knowledge. I may be lacking in some areas like him, but I have handled harder situations, I have the ability, the data and the resources to make sure that my people are safe. Is there anything else that I need?"

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