Operation Red Storm(1)

Start from the beginning

The Northern Forces of Operation Red Storm had it easy, they were the ones the furthest, followed by the center then the south, By the 14th of December the would arrive at the Zhukov Line, 225Km from their Original Position, Of the 100 German Divisions they faced, being 70 Infantry, 12 Motorized Infantry and 7 Tank Divisions had been Reduced to 62 Infantry, 8 Motorized Infantry and 4 Tank Divisions for the lost of 34 000 Russians, Not to mention the lost of 1100 ME-646 to the Russians 100 Su-57s.

Despite reaching the Zhukov line an entire 4 days faster than anyone expected them to arrive, the North under General Zhukov, who replaced the Other General after he Got sick from falling into a River and almost died from the cold. When he arrived and saw the golden opportunity to push further near a river called Tonor 50Km, And Operation Red Storm II Began on the 16th of December a whole 2 weeks earlier than planned, And another 2 German Infantry Divisions were destroyed while attacking them again, on Christmas day they reached the River with a small 2000 Losses.

Despite the North having crushed the Germans, The Center and south was having a harder time, Taking until New Year's day to reach their Objectives, In total the 2 other fronts had lost more men than the north, A total of 82 000 losses, For a total of 128 000 Losses, of which 93 000 Were Killed. Germany Had Lost a total of 28 Infantry, 14 Motorized Infantry and 6 Tank Divisions, reducing their forces by 1.18 Million men, but the 20th and 21st SS Army replaced only half of their losses, but this won't help them in the long run, as Operation Red Storm II would begin on the 5th, with the goal of reaching the Tonor river and its tributaries that was set 50 to 175Km away from the Zhukov line, To Create the best chaos to the Germans, The south would attack first followed by the Center 5 days after.

The Propaganda of Operation Red Storm Part 1 Was a Huge boost to the Home front of the United nations as proof that the 4th Reich could be defeated, And Many Towns and cities would be liberated, Depraving the 4th Reich of much needed Slave force, But strangely enough, on the 4th of January, Something strange happened near the Russian Port of Riga

International Waters near Riga, January 4th 1643

In a Row boat were 5 Sailors, pale and skinny, they had run out of water and food long ago, only the ice and snow have kept them alive, Despite them wearing admiral or Vice Admiral uniforms, they were not wearing any badge of their allegiance, They were traitors, but as men of Honor, they could not sell their souls to that vile cause.

For the past 8 weeks they have been trying to get to Russia, the only nation they felt they could live, at first they went on the wild ride by Yatch, But 2 weeks ago they stuck a mine and now they were on a Row Boat, how they managed to survive was a pure miracle, As they felt their life drain while paddling with the last Oar, A Loud humming sound began to emit itself in the Distance.

''Admiral...Ship Incoming'' A Fellow admiral in a whisper

The Admiral In Question looked At the Ship coming towards them, their Fog lights pointed right at them, As they got closer, a Rubber Boat came and stopped right next to them, The 5 Men in the Row boat cheered as they got rescued, But could almost not muster any Once of strength to get on the Boat, if they were back home, they would be mocked for how weak they were now. As they were given water and liquid food, they were taken back to the Boat, where the Russian Flag Flew in the wind. As the Got on the Boat, a Group of Russian Sailors and their Captain stood at the ready to greet them.

''Welcome to the RPS Kirov, you and you're men are safe now'' he said in Russian

The 5 Sailors looked at the Russian with a blank face, they could understand them but could not speak Russian or the common language in the world, if they revealed who they were, would they be shot on sight? As the Lead Sailor was about to sign something, a fellow vice Admiral was given more water and spoke before he could correct himself.

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