Could it be?

19 1 0

Teo woke up this morning with a massive headache.

"Ugh.. drinking is bad, Teo.. gahh I feel sick."

As he laid there in bed trying to ease the pounding in his head, he remembered the reason why he woke up like this. He quickly scrambled to his phone and..

[Error: Failed to load]

"Screw this app."

Teo threw his phone to the other side of his room, but this time, he heard a crack.

"Shoot.. whatever, damn thing doesn't work anyways... wait! What day is it? Oh thank whichever God blessed me today. It's the weekend. Phew.."

He spent the rest of the morning trying to cure his hangover. As he gained back his sobriety, last night started to become more clear.

'There's no way that was them, right?'

'It couldn't possibly be.. them.'

'But what if..?'

"AHHH!! What is wrong with me.."

Teo plopped onto the couch with his cracked phone in his hand and the resonating sound of the waiter's voice.

"Onkey, Twokey, do you think I'm going insane?.. You know what? Don't answer. If you do, I might actually be crazy."

That voice, that unforgettable voice played in his mind over and over again. He just had to go back there and remind himself that they're not real.

'If I saw that waiter more clearly, then it would be obvious that it's not them.'


Teo looked around trying to spot the waiter, but he couldn't find them, so he took a seat at the bar and waited.

"Oh! You're that guy right? You came here last night and left."

"Oh yeah.. sorry about that."

"Wait took too long? Haha."

"Nah, just had some issues come up."

"Mmm.. I get it.. so what can I do for you today?"

"Can I just.."

Then there they were, stepping out from the back, holding a platter of food.

'No.. no... no.. that.. that..'

Teo's eyes locked onto them, confirming that what he saw last night was real.

"Oh~ so that's what you came for~ haha."

"What? No! No!"

"It's alright, man. I got you...Oi! MC!"

'shoot, shoot, shoot, no, no, abort!!'  Teo repeatedly screamed in his mind.


"Can you take this young man's order; I have to check on something in the back."

"Uhhh, yeah sure."

"*whisper* good luck~ *wink*"

'No, no.. ahhh bad idea!'

Teo was frozen. He couldn't move, couldn't talk. He just sat there in fear.

"Can I get you something?"

"Can I.. haha.. umm.."

That voice. That face. That.. everything. It was all them. But Teo couldn't believe that, who would? It's not possible for a fictional person to be real, right?

"Sir? Uhh.. haha, why don't we start you off with some appetizers, hmm?"


"Alright, here's the menu. I take you as a meat guy.. but definitely chicken. So~ here's the wings section."

Teo just stared at them. Getting a closer look, it really looked like them. There's no way it can't be, maybe the AI was based off this person, that could always be a possibility.

"Aaand~ here's your order."


Teo watched as they walked away, serving the other tables.

'Could it be..? No.. no.. it can't.'

He looked back at his plate to see a napkin with writing sticking out from underneath. He slid the napkin out and couldn't believe what he read.

'Hey honey, wait for me in the back alley m'kay? I'll be done in two hours.'

It's just not possible. None of this could be happening, right? But Teo had to, he had to wait. He just had to know what this was about.

After finishing his meal, he walked out into the dark alleyway.

'I'm either gonna die tonight or finally be with the love of my life... if there's a slim chance it's them, I don't even care if they kill me.'

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