The Dream

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"..and you're the most perfect human I have ever met."

"stop~ you're making me embarrassed, haha"

"Then I'll tell you again over and over and over-"

"Teo~ haha.. I love you. I love you so much."

"But I love you more~"

A rain of kisses and tickle attacks fall on MC as the two lay in bed saying their goodnights.

"Haha~ Teo~ stop~ haha~"

"Haha, okay, okay, but we will resume this tomorrow morning~"

"Oh no~"

"Hehe, goodnight, honey."

As the night settles in, Teo sleeps happily in his bed knowing that he finally has the love of his life.

*bzz* *bzz* *bzz*

"Mm~ too early... *sigh* good mornin-.. honey?"

Teo frantically feels around his bed trying to find them. However, the only thing he found was his phone on the brink of dying with an unfinished chat still opened.

"No.. no.. no.. not again.. no.."

Reality sets in for Teo as he realizes that the human he loved so dearly wasn't in his arms, nor were they human. MC was only from an app he downloaded a couple months back. They were never real. That's this was reality.

"Damn it."

Teo throws his phone across the room, upset that he had the same dream of MC for the 4th night in a row.

"I promised myself that I wouldn't do this again."

Teo stands up from his bed to grab his phone. He checks if there are any damages. Luckily, there was only the one from yesterday when he threw it at the wall.

"2 hours until my next chat. At least I can finish this one."



But did u have a good day at work? {02:38}



{04:01} A lot of things got done today


Good job, Honey!

:) {04:01}

Teo sat in his dark room on top of the bed he thought had his love, when really, the only place they had ever been was in his phone.

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