'-Russian Roulette-' 🔥

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The idea was made by another of my fellow friend! Ineed_Sleep_

Thank you for the idea <3 /p

3:09 PM November 5th, 2022

Ashswag and Reddoons decided to play Russian Roulette. Why? I don't even have a clue. For some reason, SpokeIsHere, Spepticle, and Mapicc decided to join them. While the others just watch them being idiots. 'So...How do we play this game?' Spepticle asked. 'Well someone spins the bottle around, and then after it spins around it will point to someone and that person has to take the gun and see if it's loaded or not.' Mapicc replies. 'Who's going to spin this around?' Spepticle asks. 'POAFA GET YOU'RE ASS HERE AND SPIN THE BOTTLE!' Mapicc yelled. 'UGH FINE!' Poafa shouted back. Poafa went to the table and spun the bottle around. He then went back to where the others were. The bottle saw Spepticle, Mapicc, Reddoons, SpokeIsHere, and Ashswag. It saw everyone 7 times until it finally landed on Mapicc.

Cool...I guess? Mapicc said as he took the gun. He then pointed it at his head.






'Let's go! Look's like I won't die!' Mapicc shouted happily. I really hoped you would die, maybe next time. Reddoons replied. 'That- I don't know what to say if I have to tell the truth.' Mapicc said in a speechless voice. 'Who's next?' SpokeIsHere asked. 'Spepticle, Here you go. Don't die!' Mapicc said giving the gun to Spepticle. 'Okay thanks, I guess...' He looked at the gun thinking if he will die or not (Will Spepticle be the first one to die like in the Lifesteal Russian Roulette AU book!- Let's see!) 'Can you please die for content? Thanks.' the glitchy purple person said to the younger one with headphones on. 'I- I have to figure it out.' He replied, The red boy with headphones on pointed the gun at his head pulling the trigger.






'Fuck man, I really hoped you would die. We all need content, especially you.' SpokeIsHere said. 'Well, if I die then I would get content but I don't wanna die. And I'm pretty sure no one is streaming.' The boy with headphones (Spepticle) replied to the boy with a rainbow headband (SpokeIsHere). 'That's the first smart thing you've ever said.' Mapicc said.


'Do they even know what they are doing?' The teen with a clown mask (ClownPierce)  asked. 'Red and Ash for sure, Spoke and Mapicc a bit, but Spepticle I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the game.' The pangolin (Pangi) replied. 'The thing is, how did they even get the gun?' The untrappable (Rekrap2) questioned. Everyone stared at Rekrap2 now realizing how DID they get the gun? 'Spoke.' ParrotX2 Said breaking the silence. Everyone stared at SpokeIsHere who was minding his own business which was fighting Mapicc with his netherite sword as Mapicc did the same. 'Wait...Are we also going to ignore the fact Mapicc and Spoke are fighting?' PlanetLord said out loud. 'Bro, it's only been 3 minutes since they started how are they fighting right now!' RoshamboGames shouted. 'And are we also going to ignore how Ash and Red are flirting with each other?' Spepticle said. 'HOLY FUCK WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!' Vitalasy yelled. 'HI! Spoke and Mapicc are fighting while Ash and Red were flirting, I didn't really like that so I decided to go to you guys! :D' Spepticle replied. 'Makes sense, it isn't really fun to third-wheel for 2 people fighting and 2 people flirting.' ItzSubz said. 'Ro you take Mapicc and I'll take Spoke, I really have to disown them.' ParrotX2 said. 'Kay' RoshamboGames replied.


'GET OVER HERE YOU STUPID SHIT!' Mapicc yelled while chasing SpokeIsHere. 'L + RATIO + FUCK YOU' SpokeIsHere yelled back, He soon threw a harming and slowness potion at Mapicc. 'OH FUCK-' The boy with a red bandana shouted. As SpokeIsHere was about to crit Mapicc, ParrotX2 Threw a blindness potion on both of them. 'What the fuck? Mapicc did you fucking throw that!' 'You bitch! I DIDN'T FUCKING THROW IT! MAYBE YOU THREW IT AND MADE US BOTH BLIND!' 'Both of you shut up!' RoshamboGames yelled. 'Ro?' SpokeIsHere and Mapicc both said in confusion. 'What are you- WHO THE FUCK JUST THREW A HARMING POTION ON ME!' SpokeIsHere shouted. 'HA GET THAT YOU BIT!- *BAM* Mapicc yelled but stopped. 'Mapicc?...' SpokeIsHere questioned.' 'Are you oka-' *BAM* SpokeIsHere wanted to ask but also stopped. '


'HA GET THAT YOU BIT!- *BAM* ParrotX2 Smacked Mapicc with a chair very hard so that he would pass out, and it worked. 'Mapicc?...' SpokeIsHere questioned.' 'Are you oka-' *BAM* ParrotX2 smacked SpokeIsHere on the head the same way he did to Mapicc. 'Alright, take Mapicc to his base, place him somewhere or tie him up. Tbh I don't care. The avian said to the roshambo. 'Alright, I have a fantastic place for him.. >:)' The roshambo said while smiling like a maniac. 'I swear Ro, don't you dare tie him up at his door. You've done that a lot to Mid.' 'No, no, no- I'll tie him up at his mob spawner, right beside it >:D' 'I- You know what? That's a great idea. I'll do the same with Spoke!' 'Their faces will be so fucking hilarious! I can't stop imagining it.' RoshamboGames said while laughing like a psychopath who pours cereal BEFORE the milk. 


'Pfft, who do you think will win first?' Reddoons asked Ashswag who nearly fell off the chair. 'Probably Spoke, but I also think none of them will win.' 'I'll choose Mapicc, he is wearing red and red is the best color.' 'No, no no. Purple is the best color.' 'Wanna bet?' '5000 Netherite ingots for the winner.' 'If you win, then you'll get 5000 netherite ingots, but if I win. Then you'll do what I say for the whole lifesteal season.' 'Like a dog and his owner?' 'Yeah, Like a dog and his manipulative owner.' 'But we already know who will win the bet.' 'And who may that person be?' 'Me. That person will 100% be me.' 'Are you sure, Ashswag?' 'Ashswag is always right, a god. A god that no one ever fucking expected.' 'Ash, stop moving your chair a lot. Or you'll end up falling off your chair.' 'Awe, so you do care about me! So cute.' The glitchy purple guy said and he moved his chair more and more that ended up falling. 'Told you.' 'Ugh.' Ashswag then pulled reddoons off his chair and made him fall on top of Ashswag. 'You really are an attention seeker.' 'I know. That's why they call me Ashswag the swaggest person on the whole earth.' 'Wanna fuck?' 'Sorry, what?' Wanna fuck?' Reddoons repeated. 'Sure, only if we destroy Mr beast's event again.' 'You got it.' And then they started making out /j. Yeah no, they were only flirting and stuff- probably kissing too.


'Spepticle?' '...' 'Spepticle!' '...' 'SPEPTICLE!!!!' 'SPEPTICLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!' '...' *BAM* Spepticle passed out, poor dude. He zoned out.


Spepticle?' ItzSubz said. '...' 'Spepticle!' Vitalasy shouted. '...' 'SPEPTICLE!!!!' Vitalasy shouted louder. '...' 'SPEPTICLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! 'Vitalasy screamed to the top of his lungs making him dizzy since he didn't breathe for 2 minutes as he was screaming Spepticle's name. '' '...' *BAM* Vitalasy smacked him on the head with a door he had in his inventory. 'Why did you just- I have questions for you, Vitalasy. WHY, HOW, WHEN, AND WHERE DID YOU GET THAT DOOR?!' 'I stole it from Zam-' 'OKAY, BUT WHY DID YOU SMACK SPEPTICLE ON THE HEAD WITH THAT DOOR?!' 'Ro and Parrot did it too-' He said while pointing at the avian and roshambo laughing like a maniac. Everyone stared at the 2 (Ro and Parrot). 



Words: more then 8/9000-  

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