Love For a Princess Pup (Part 3)

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Warning: Blood, inappropriate language, death, psychotic nature, abuse

P.S: Please read at the very end to see the next 3-part one-shot in the works.

He didn't know how long it's been. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? He lost track of time. But he knew one thing. He was separated from his mate. She was somewhere out there, alone. He didn't even know if she was still alive. He hoped she is. He couldn't live a life without her. If he could, he would've been searching all over the world for her. But he can't. He's trapped, locked inside a cage in a dark room. Worse, it was electrified. He couldn't get close to the walls without getting shocked. On top of that, a shock collar was strapped around his neck. It was used a lot. So much it was killing him. But he didn't care. Death would've been better than this.


The door to the room he was in opened. The small light that came outside revealed the pup walking in was Skye. With her was a tranquilizer gun. He growled. He hated her. And not just her, the entire Paw Patrol and The Princess too. He already decided that if they were to let him go, which was unlikely, he was leaving the team for good.

"Well." Skye started. He stayed quiet. "Chase, please... You need to forget about her. I love you-"

"You know," Chase interrupted her. Skye jumped up in fright. His voice was dark and evil. Like he was a completely new pup. "I should just kill you all, right now!"

Skye was taken aback. "C-Chase. Y-You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh?" Chase walked over to the side of the cage where Skye was. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't?"

Skye gulped nervously. "B-Because I love you."

"And I don't!" Chase yelled. Skye backed away. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you! I. DON'T. LOVE. YOU. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR TINY BRAIN!" A powerful shock went through Chase's body. He let out a loud grunt. He started to cough up blood.

"Chase, let us help you. Please." Skye begged. She didn't want Chase in that cage any longer. But he wouldn't cooperate.

Chase began to laugh as if he were a maniac. "You?! Help?!" He laughed more. "YOU THINK THIS IS HELPING?!" Skye was now shaking in fear. Chase was scaring her. She'd never seen him this mad before. "You wanna help? You have three options. Let me go, find my mate, or kill me!"

"K-K-Kill?!" Skye said in fear. "Chase, look what she's doing to you."

"You think this is her fault?!" Chase laughed. "Sweetie isn't the one who trapped me in here. Sweetie isn't the one shocking me to death. Sweetie isn't doing anything and you dare say this is her fault!" Chase shook the side of the cage violently. The electricity going through his body. His brown fur was slowly turning black. "I SWEAR TO GOD! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

Skye had enough. She pulled out her tranquilizer gun and shot Chase. It didn't take long for him to fall over on the ground, unconscious. Skye quickly left the room and shut the door. The others were waiting for her outside. They were watching the whole thing through a camera in the room.

"R-Ryder, what are we gonna do?" Skye asked as she began to cry.

Ryder sighed. "I... I don't know."

Everyone was quiet. No one knew what to do. They wanted to help Chase, but it seemed things were getting worse.

"I'm out of ideas. We've tried everything to make him forget about Sweetie." Ryder said aloud. "I just don't know what else we can do."

"We let him go."

Everyone turned to Marshall, surprised by his suggestion.

"And let him go back to her? We can't let that happen." Skye said.

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