2 | Lambent Light | [3]

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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" Ethan apologised frantically, his voice quivering in equal shock. His casual, laid-back, and reserved demeanour had all but been replaced by an unmistakable sense of stress and guilt.

I shook my head, taken aback.

I knew not what to think; my mind was still processing the last minute. I was pissed. No, it was much more than just being ticked off. I was brimming with fury. That was a given, really. But at the same time, I could not fault Ethan for a simple mistake - a poor series of unconscious decisions that culminated in this fiasco.

I ducked my head to see the broken glasses, but everything was one collective blur. I narrowed my eyes, having a difficult time differentiating between the odd shapes. I bent over and swept my hand across the floor, hoping to appraise the damage.

It felt off, much thicker than my pair of glasses was - Ah, it must have been a part of the table or chair's legs. I squinted, furrowing my brows upon the realisation I must appear like a clown to everyone else at that moment.

Nelly snorted, "It's completely wrecked. Suits the filth right."

The notion called forth a feeling of immense dread. Was she just playing mind games on me again? Or... was she earnest?

"I'd hate it if someone broke my glasses." One of the classmates, whose name I believed to be somewhere along the line of Clara, perhaps Clarice, expressed.

"He's a shitty nerd, but still, that sucks," answered one of the swimming team's jocks.

In between all the comments, Ethan expressed a heartfelt apology after another. Each and all went in one ear and came out right away through the other.

Mr Evans, though initially reluctant to mingle, joined in on the commotion; growling, "Nelly, if you don't keep your mouth shut-"

His voice drowned in the chaotic rambling that filled the atmosphere.

Then, like a brilliant ray of light across the dark sky, Ethan called out, "Let me help you." In a fluent motion, he grabbed hold of my glasses. Though, in doing so, the ink-black blur split up into two smaller fragments, confirming my suspicion.

It had indeed been torn loose.

Upon the sight, Nelly's minion broke out in unadulterated laughter. However, contrary to my expectations, nobody joined in. Instead, I noticed blurred motions. It was as if they all averted their focus to the noise's origin. I hoped their glared daggers into her.

Ethan passed me the pieces; his hand was warm to the touch. He held it in place for a brief moment as he looked at me sorrowfully. "I'm so sorry, Xavier. I don't know-"

I flicked my hand up, motioning him to stop. "It's-," I stuttered, already stumbling over the mental phrasing. "It's fine, Ethan," I assured him, trying to make out his facial expression. He didn't seem affected by the comment. "It sucks, definitely does. But still, I can't fault you for it. You were half-asleep. It is not your mistake."

"Please, don't say that-" something peculiar in his voice altered. It was as though something had cracked; a more profound, darker feeling seemed to reverberate from within, albeit momentarily. I wasn't entirely certain where it came from. Nevertheless, Ethan recovered, swiftly inquiring, "You don't happen to have an extra pair with you, do you?"

I looked away, biting down on my lip. We couldn't afford a spare one just to have it stowed away in my school locker. Hell, actually, we could - if Dad didn't hit the local pub every other day. It was a common occurrence nowadays, ever since Mum and Dad's relationship entered a rocky state. I knew it was because of me. The combination of Dad's conservative upbringing and his obstinate nature culminated in a perfect recipe for social drama in our household.

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