"We should fix a time for this," He says the first thing on his mind as soon as he picks up the call.

"Sweetie in this job, there is no timing. How was Jack?" Harry knows he can never remember the name of his client well in his defence it changes every night. Besides they mostly want him to call them 'daddy' or 'master'. So he never bothers either.

"It was alright. He bought me to a ridiculously expensive restaurant just to show off his new fake date to his friends. And then we were back at the hotel. You know how that goes." Harry sighs flicking through the shows on Netflix. "Also, don't worry I will submit the full details when I am back."

"I am afraid you have to come back right now." Jennifer chuckles already knowing Harry is annoyed. "We have got this really great deal and I want you to take up the gig. Since you are our best escort."

Harry rolls his eyes. He knows Jennifer is just trying to butter him up. She probably says that to other escorts too, "But why?" He whines like a child. "Please can we talk over the phone, Please."

"No can do, sweetheart." Jennifer sighs, "This client is very very important and I want to discuss it with you in person. Think of it as a VIP situation. Now quickly come over so that we can talk about it. I want you to be ready before you meet him tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Harry cocks his eyebrows. "I thought I had my calendar full for next week. You are just letting someone change the schedule. What are we gonna tell my regular clients?"

"I will make Perrie fill it for you. Now if you are done be here in half an hour. As I said there is a lot to discuss," Harry opens his mouth and closes it. He has a feeling he had filled up his quota of being a pouty and whiny child for a day. Plus he doesn't think he could ever convince Jen so he might as well save his charm for getting his way for the next occasion.

He arrives exactly half an hour later at the agency. His punctuality is really a curse. He is not wearing anything fancy, his usual flamingo shirt and skinny jeans. He is headed straight for Jen's office.

Her office is just like any other you would see. The desk is accompanied by a chair and a laptop. That's just for show mostly. Jen is pretty old-fashioned she insists on paperwork and not on online documents. That is the reason why Harry and everyone else have to submit a printed form of their report. Harry always insisted on teaching her to avoid all the fuss, since he has studied computers but she always declines.

"I see you have already printed out the details," He says walking into the office. He finds her looking at a bunch of documents which he assumes are of the VVIP client. Harry hates people like this. Why do they get special privileges? He has already made up a schedule and now whoever he or she is going to ruin it all and to top it all he has to be with them for a specified amount of time. He thinks he would need a little more pretending for this job.

"And I see you are right on time," She motions for him to take a seat. "Here have a look. As I said on the phone. I want you to take up this job. But there is a very specific reason for it."

As Harry looks at the documents he can see the very specific reason gawking at him through the photos. Or he is gawking at the model-esque pictures of Zayn Malik. He can't really tell. He is too stunned to believe this is actually happening. He looks like a man straight out of Vogue cover in the photo. In his black ripped jeans, red t-shirt and a jacket. He can very clearly see his eyelashes in the photo. He can't believe it's been days since he last saw and he notices how he has changed his hair. It's black now with the side shaved. He wonders if that is the natural colour of his hair.

For the third time. Every time he thought this will be his last time seeing the sexy client. It feels like the universe somehow finds another way so that they keep meeting each other. Until now Harry thought this was the case only for bad lucks. Oh, he is definitely going to wish for more things from now on.

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