"(Y/N)!" he panicked. "OPEN THE DOOR!"

Draco took out his wand and was about to burst the door open when he saw the doorknob turn and the door opening in front of him. He walked inside to confirm that his worst fear was true. He saw the three men that had attacked them months ago. One of them pressing his wand at your neck. The other one closed the door behind him. And the third one stepped in front of him.

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy" the one in the middle grinned evilly at him.

"Get your fucking hands off my wife!" he said, about to launch himself at the guy holding you, but the one in the middle blocked his way.

"Now, I would watch my language if I were you, Draco" he said, pushing him back. "May I call you Draco? After all, it seems that we have the upper hand here" he said.

"Let her go" he said, never taking his eyes off you.

"Give me your wand" he said, extending his hand out.

"No!" you yelled from your place, only to be pushed by the man holding you to the floor as he pointed his wand at your head. Draco instantly took his wand out and threw it on the ground.

"There" he said. "Now let her go" he begged. You felt yourself being pulled up to stand again and pushed towards Draco, who quickly grabbed you and hugged you closer to him. "What do you want?" he asked, starting to walk behind to get you further away from them until you bumped on a shelf.

"Why are you doing this?" you asked, shaking, behind Draco.

"We've told you before. We simply do not think is fair that he got to go on as if nothing happened after the war-"

"So, what are you going to do? Kill us? How does that make you any better than the Death Eaters who started the war?" you snapped.

"You mean Death Eaters like your husband?"

"You're Dennis Creevey!" you burst out suddenly and he turned to point his wand at you. "I know you! Y-you're Colin's little brother" you stuttered. "You're not a killer!"

"Don't say his name!" he said between clenched teeth.

"I knew your brother" you kept going. "I used to tutor him Herbology" you said, nervously. "He was a really sweet kid" you said walking closer to him, despite Draco's protests. "Why would you do this, Dennis? I know you're just as good as your brother-"

"He wasn't supposed to die!" Dennis snapped.

"I know" you told him. "He wasn't even supposed to be there" you said. "He sneaked back to fight with us" you remembered. "He wouldn't want you to do this, Dennis-"

"Shut up! You didn't know him! You have no idea how it feels to lose someone-"

"I do!" you insisted. "I lost my brother too" you said, crying a little. "He died that day. And I lost... somebody else that was very important to me" you continued. "I know that you are hurting, but this isn't how you make things right! Hurting me or Draco is not going to bring Colin back-"

"I DON'T CARE! I just want him to feel what is like to lose someone you love" he said, pointing his wand, directly at your neck.

"I'm sorry!" Draco said, turning the attention towards him. "I am really sorry about your brother" he said, making sure all three of them had their wands on him and not you. "He didn't deserve to die. So many people in that war didn't deserve to die. But (Y/N) had nothing to do with it. She was fighting with you. She was fighting for you! Please, don't hurt her!"

Before anybody could do or say anything else, you all heard a big ruckus outside and the door burst open. Draco tried to make his way towards you but you noticed one of the intruders was pointing his want at him, or more specifically, behind him. You saw the big shelf filled with pots and plants and you did the first thing you could think of.

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