Chapter 12

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"Are you sure that you're okay with me leaving?"

"Neville, for the last time, I don't want you to keep Luna waiting" you insisted. "Besides, Draco will be here in like ten minutes anyways-"

"I just don't feel very comfortable leaving you alone, and if Draco sees-"

"You really need to stop being afraid of my husband" you laughed. "You're taller than him!"

"I'm not afraid of him" Neville defended himself.

"So, go meet Luna then" you said, smirking and making Neville roll his eyes.

"Fine, but if Draco freaks out that you were here alone, I am blaming Dean" he said, going to hug you goodbye.

"Dean is off today" you chuckled.

"He doesn't know that!" he yelled before walking through the door.

You laughed, rolling your eyes before you started cleaning up a little. You just needed to wait for Draco to come pick you up and he should be here any moment now. You heard the door opening and thought Draco was finally here.

"I'm almost done, love" you said, not turning to look back at him.

"Take your time, Mrs. Malfoy."

You heard a voice that was definitely not Draco's and you froze a little bit. You turned around and saw three men standing inside the shop. This could not be happening. The one time you asked Neville to leave before Draco got there.

"W-we're closed" you said, trying not to sound as nervous as you were.

"We know" one of them said, walking closer to you.

"What do you want?" you asked, gripping your wand in your hand tightly before another one of them pointed his wand at you and your wand flew to his hand.

"We just want to talk... until your husband gets here" the one in the middle said, stepping closer to you.

"My husband is not coming here" you lied and the three men laughed.

"Oh, but of course he is. He always does" one of them said.

"Every day at six" another one added. "So, only a few more minutes before-"

Before he could go on, you heard a noise coming from outside. Draco was here.

"Ah, right on time" one of them smirked at you. "So, here's what's going to happen Mrs. Malfoy" he quickly said, standing in front of you. "You're going to open the door and let him in-"

"No" you shook your head.

"(Y/N)?" you heard Draco's voice as he tried to open the door.

"It is not a question!" he said, grabbing your arm forcefully and dragging you towards the door.

"I know who you are!" you said, making him stop dead in his tracks.

The three men were always careful to hide their faces from you and Draco. And it was always when it was dark. But since last time you knew there was something familiar about one of them.

"Open the door" he growled once you were in front of it.

"No" you insisted. There was no way you were going to put Draco in danger.


Draco felt his heart stopping when he heard that followed by a loud thump on the other side of the door. Someone was inside with you. He knew you wouldn't leave before he came to pick you up. And he knew that voice was not Neville's and it wasn't Dean's.

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