Chapter 2

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Loud meowing was what woke me up the next morning. Clearly this little kitten was hungry for food and attention. She continued to meow and paw gently at my face until I pulled her off my face and placed her on the ground next to my bed.

I pulled on jeans, a white tank top and a thin knitted cardigan that Mrs. Weasley made for me last summer. Suddenly Hermione walked in, "Oh good you're up! Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes and we'll be leaving straight after so be ready." Hermione gave me a smile and walked out of the room.

I unzipped my duffel bag that I packed in the clothes and things I would be bringing for the one night we would be staying at the Quidditch World Cup. My little kitten jumped in and I zipped up the bag leaving enough space for my kitten to breath and stick out her head if she wanted to. "You better not try and eat some of your food while your in there!" I said to my little kitten.

Once I finished getting ready, I quickly went downstairs with my duffel bag in hand. I set my bag down by the door and made my way to the kitchen to grab my breakfast. I then went and sat down at the table next to Ginny.

While I was eating and talking to Ginny, I was soon interrupted by a noisy kitten. "MEOW! MEOOWW!!" She cried loudly. "Oh I'm sorry, I know you're hungry!" I said cooing at the little kitten. "Have you named her yet?" George asked me curiously. I shook my head, "No , I haven't had a name come into mind to call her yet." "How about Fawna, her fur makes me think of a little deer." George asked looking at me intently. My eyes lit up at the sounds of the name. "That's cute! Fawna will do!" I said happily picking up the kitten. She seemed to agree as she let out a soft meow and rubbed her fluffy head on my neck.

I quickly finished up the rest of my breakfast and took Fawna back to my bag. I pulled out her food, prepped it and layed it on the ground. She immediately started devouring the food and once she finished I gave her some water to drink.

"Alright everyone! Let's get a move on, we have a bit of a hike ahead of us!" Mr. Weasley shouted for everyone to hear. Next thing we knew it, we were off. Hermione, Ginny and I hung back a bit from the others as we walked and chatted in the meantime.


Eventually we arrived... well according to Mr. Weasley and Mr.Diggory, which we met with earlier in the hike along with with Cedric. Ginny and Hermiones couldn't help but giggle and talk about how good looking he was for the remainder of the hike. He indeed was good looking and I couldn't help but chime in on the talk. What I thought was kind of funny was that, George kept on giving him the stink eye. I wonder why? Anyway, there was nothing here but a... boot?

Everyone, but Harry and I started to crowd around the boot. We both looked at each other confused. Were we missing out on what exactly was happening? "Why are you all standing around that manky, old boot?" Harry asked dumbfounded. "It isn't any manky, old boot mate, it's a portkey." The twins replied. "Oh.... that definitely makes sense now." I thought and immediately joined everybody and  grabbed onto a part of the boot. "What's a portkey?" Harry asked still confused. "Harry grab on!" I said and Harry grabbed onto the boot last minute and next thing you know it, we were spinning in the air!

Once Mr. Weasley told us to let go, I did as he said and it felt like I was being sucked into a windy vortex. It was utterly terrifying and sickening to the stomach. It felt like a rollercoaster. Immediately I landed on my bum on the ground. Gosh that hurt. I heard a little distressed meow from my bag and immediately realized I forgot about Fawna! "Aww I'm so sorry Fawna! That must've felt horrible for you." I comforted the kitten with some pets until she was better.

"Need a little help there Avie?" A voice said. I look up to see George standing over me, stretching a hand out towards me. My cheeks flushed, this is kinda embarrassing... I took his hand and he hoisted me off the ground. "Thanks George" I said giving him a small smile. I saw Ginny and Hermione giggling to themselves at the sight of us. I ignored them, they can be weird sometimes and it doesn't make sense. But hey, I'm the same way.

I walked with Ginny and Hermione as we followed Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory over the hill. We were soon met with a huge crowd of people, tents and jugglers in every corner. People zoomed around on their brooms. We all pushed through the crowds in awe. I can't believe we are finally here!

Soon we arrived at our tent. I looked over to see Harry staring at the tent. I knew what he was thinking, the tent looked very small, how would it house all of us? Well that's where magic comes into play. I walked in with the rest and giggled at the sight of Harry's face when he saw the inside. "I love magic.." I hear him mumble to himself. It was very roomy, I immediately knew that I would definitely enjoy my stay here.

I went over to Hermione and Ginny, who already went over and chose a bunk. This left me with the single bed next to them, I had no problem with that, it was enough for Fawna and I.


The quidditch game was awesome! We were all cheering and laughing as we made our way back to our tent. Although, Ron wasn't in the best mood and the twins did not help with the situation. Once we arrived to our tent, I was exhausted so I immediately went to my bed. I was greeted by Fawna who was of course happy to see me.

I decided to pack so I didn't have to stress tomorrow morning and by the time I finished there was a lot of noise coming from outside. Mr. Weasley immediately went outside to see what was going on. "Death Eaters!" He yelled. "Everyone to the portkey!! Hurry!!"

I threw on my jacket and put Fawna inside so she was safe, right next to me. I grabbed all my stuff, which thankfully was already packed in my duffel bag. I rushed outside with others and we all tried our best to stick together in the chaotic crowd. Almost right away we lost Harry, I was beginning to panic. My throat was closing up and I felt like I could barely breath. The crowd was crushing me and I continued to do my best to protect Fawna.

"Avie!" I heard someone tell. I look up to see George ahead in the crowd. "George! Help..." I said able to yell his name but couldn't spit out anything else because I got elbowed in the ribs. Next thing I knew it, I felt George grab my arm and pull me towards him. He held on tight to me, trying his best to protect Fawna and I from the crowd.

Soon we made it out of the crowd and I felt like I could breathe again. George rushed me over to the portkey where everybody else was there waiting. "Have you seen Harry?!?" Ron asked us. We both shook our head, my face began to pale. "Someone needs to go look for Harry!" I said. Before Mr. Weasley could protest, Hermione and Ron rushed off to search for him.

I sat on the ground cuddling Fawna in my arms. All I heard were yells and screams, just utter chaos. Soon a dark mark was ruling the sky. George sat down next to me, "It's going to be okay Avie..." he said softly to me. My eyes immediately filled with tears, "George I'm scared." He pulled Fawna and I into a hug and just held us there.

Thankfully, Mr. Weasley returned with Hermione, Ron and Harry. We all gathered around the portkey quickly and made our way home.

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