I felt my face become contorted from the shock, how does he know? I composed myself, "and who's to say that I won't half-ass the job and walk away with the pay?"

"Because his highness is aware that there are certain organizations that would more than enjoy knowing that," once again he leaned in, lowering his voice more than before, "Vakili's prince is wandering about the continent without any kind of guard." Malik's eyes shot daggers into my own.

I sighed, trying to not seem deterred, "that does not intimidate me."

"Well, the job of monster slaying should be easy work for you, no?"

Silence fell between us, and I thought about it. If word got to my mother that I was actively burning bridges, simply because I 'didn't feel like it,' I do not know what she would do. I sighed, "I will take the job."

I huffed as I stood up, leaving a few coins on the table, as we walked out I could see a few curious eyes staring. "You would think a royal messenger wouldn't make it so obvious that he is a royal messenger," I said sarcastically walking out the door.

"There's much to be said about your attire as well," he scoffed, "but you'll find Lord Foltest enjoys showing his power to those he's anxious about."

It was slightly unsettling to think that Foltest's messenger couldn't keep himself from talking about his own king. How bad was he? This thought stuck with me as we rode on.


"We must make haste your highness!" Malik urged.

I've been using all my might to not kill him with my bare hands all morning, "I'm trying," I strained, "but we've been moving since dawn. We're only a half mile away."

His eyes looked back to me from his horse, "trust me your highness I would love nothing more, but she," he cleared his throat, "sorry, he is prudent about punctuality in this situation. Who knows how long we have."

"How long until what?"

Malik waved my question away, speeding up, "no matter, let's keep going," he yelled.

He is lucky that I'm out of my depth in this situation, otherwise, I'd already have let my might run weak. But this situation also was proving to seem, stranger and stranger, as time went on, I was beginning to question if Malik was who he said he was. Because if Lord Foltest needed help so urgently why didn't he come to me before? Or seek help from other places? And did mother let it get out that I am on my own out here? Did Agnes let her do that?

"What exactly is this beast his highness needs slaying?" Malik for the first time, kept his mouth shut, "so it is a beast. What is it?" I pressed, moving just beside him, "do you not know what the monster is?"

Malik kept his head and eyes straight, "no one knows for sure, but one thing I can say is, it's killing innocent men." He paused, "and that should be enough reason to help is it not?"

I turned forward, I decided not to say anything. Gods help me because I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.

We rode past the gates towards the castle, "that's the thing, you haven't told me a whole lot about, well, anything." The words hung in the air for a few moments.

"Does that bother you, your highness, that I decide to not tell you every detail?" Malik asked in an antagonistic tone.

"It does, very much so in fact," I attempted to sound confident. "Especially the fact that Lord Foltest knows I'm out here, and supposedly other royals as well."

He straightened, "how so?"

"Because if that was true, then royals would've already tried to kill me, or send help trying to get in good spirits with the next King of Vakili."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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