Chapter One: Booker Bridges

Start from the beginning

Booker remained silent for a moment. The nun was about to turn and walk out of the run when he said, "It wasn't just about the book..."

She turned back and looked at him. "What was it, then?" The nun questioned. "Did he make fun of your height?"

"No!" Booker snapped, before calming down. "It was...Nothing." he sighed in defeat, and looked down. She wouldn't understand and he wasn't in the mood for talking about it now. "I'll save it for confession."

This was not an answer that the nun wanted to heard, and she started to leave in a huff. "I don't know why Father Dean even tries," she said harshly, stopping and turning back to Booker. "Even after 7 years in this church, you're still going down this sad road to destruction. What a waste."

Booker watched with a glare as she walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. He sighed and laid down in his bed. Turning his head to look at the book next to him, he grabbed the novel and opened it to a page. Inside that page was a photo that he hid from the nuns. It showed him as a 7-year-old boy with his family. Booker came from a very loving family that was named the Bridges. He had a father, a mother, and 6 older brothers. He was the seventh youngest of them all. They were all happy and were respect among the community. But, about 7 years ago on the day of his birthday, tragedy would strike when a fire mysterious started in their home. Booker was found out of the house, lying unconscious when people ran out to see the disaster.

In the end, he would be the only survivor of that fire. Everyone, parents, and brothers, were killed in the flames.

Tomorrow it'll be his birthday. His 14th birthday. 7 years after he was orphaned.

The next morning, Booker was sent off to school. He walked alone, as many of the other orphans that went to the school with him didn't like to associate with him. He was known for being one of two troublemakers of the school. And as he approached the public school, he heard his name being called out by the other troublemaker.

"Booker! Over here!" He called out his best friend and secret crush. Luz Noceda was a Dominican-American girl with tan skin, dark titian hair, and hazel-brown eyes. Her clothing consisted of a pair of black earrings, a white and purple hoodie with cat ears attached to the hood, short jean-shorts, dark gray leggings, and a pair of white slip-on shoes.

"There's the birthday boy!" Luz exclaimed, holding out a little cupcake to him with a small candle on it.

"Hey, Luz," Booker said with a bright smile and took the cupcake. No matter what, she was always able to bring a smile to his face, and always celebrating his birthday was one of those treats she did for him. "Are you ready for the presentation?"

"You know I am!" Luz said with a bright smile. However, that smile dropped when she saw the cut on his face and his black eye. Instantly, she became worried and reached out to touch his face. "Booker, what happened?"

"It's nothing," he said, trying to brush it off.

"You and I both know that a lie," Luz told him sternly, still holding his face. Booker moved her hand away. "You got into another fight, didn't you? You said that you'd stay out of trouble."

"It was just some fatass that was talking shit about my parents," Booker said, blowing out the candle, throwing it in the trash, and then eating the cupcake to try and calm himself. "I tried to be cool about it, but he just had said they're burning in hell..."

Luz smiled at him. "You know that they're just trying to get to you, right? Just do what I do, and just laugh it off," she said to him before the two started walking into the school. "So, did you get everything that we'll need?"

The Seventh Son (Male OC x Luz Noceda x Amity Blight)Where stories live. Discover now